Romans 14:20-23

                                                                     Romans 14:20-23

Do not, for the sake of food, destroy the work of God. Everything is indeed clean, but it is wrong for anyone to make another stumble by what he eats. It is good not to eat meat or drink wine or do anything that causes your brother to stumble. The faith that you have, keep between yourself and God. Blessed is the one who has no reason to pass judgment on himself for what he approves. But whoever has doubts is condemned if he eats, because the eating is not from faith. For whatever does not proceed from faith is sin.


Priorities are vital to determine in the Christian walk.  What we consider as vital will dictate many of the decisions we make in life.  Many people make their own pleasure, comfort or desires to be their biggest priorities thinking that this will lead to fulfillment and happiness.  This is a mistake.  Once again Paul points us to some principles that can help us greatly in this pursuit.  


FOOD CAN LEAD TO FUTILITY: The well-being of the kingdom of God is much more important than any food or drink that we may want to enjoy.  Our freedoms should not be exercised in a way that could bring offense or temptation another brother in Christ.  If we cause someone else to stumble, then we are the ones who have stumbled.  God’s work is to build a community of faith that is united in the mission to promote the fame of Christ and the worship of His holy name in all the nations of the world.  Nothing is more important than that mission.  If food and drink becomes a distraction or hindrance from that mission, it is simply not worth it.


FAITH CAN LEAD TO FREEDOM: If we have a strong faith it will lead to greater freedom in the Lord.  However, if that freedom is in an area that is questionable and could be an offense to a brother in Christ, we should keep that area of our faith private.  Eating and drinking that which could cause others to stumble should be done in the privacy of our home without feeling the need to tell others about it.  When those who are strong in faith flaunt their freedom, it weakens the faith of others.  If there is any question in our minds our hearts, we should abstain.  That which is practiced in doubt is sin.  Faith produces freedom and deferring to those with weaker faith leads to even greater freedom as our consciences remain clear.


APPLICATION: Make sure that the kingdom of God is the ultimate priority of our lives.  Don’t allow freedom in any area to become a distraction or temptation to our brothers in Christ.  Partake of food and drink that may offend others in private and then don’t go around talking about it.


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