Romans 16:17-20

                                                                 Romans 16:17-20

I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them. For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive. For your obedience is known to all, so that I rejoice over you, but I want you to be wise as to what is good and innocent as to what is evil. The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.


The work of the Gospel has enemies both seen and unseen.  These enemies try to destroy believers and the body of Christ through various means.  There are evil men on this earth who are doing the work of Satan.  We must beware of their presence but never despair of hope because God has promised to defeat all His enemies.  We are in a battle but the outcome has already been determined.


AVOID DIVISION THROUGH DECEPTION: One of Satan’s tools to destroy the effectiveness of the church is division.  When people begin to put their own desires above the well-being of the entire body, division is often the result.  There are those who seek to gather a following for themselves by stirring up strife and promoting false doctrines.  They do not care about the harm they bring to the body.  They are motivated by their own fleshly appetites and their effect on the church can be disastrous.  Paul’s advice is to avoid these people and not give them a place to operate within the church.  We must preserve the unity of the church by preventing false teachers and correcting false doctrine.


ATAIN THE REJOICING OF RIGHTIOUSNESS: When we act in obedience, we bring great joy to those around us, especially our leaders.  We also experience rejoicing for ourselves.  Sin can be pleasurable, but the pleasure is always passing, and the long-term results are pain and guilt.  However, when we practice righteousness, we experience rejoicing.  Paul’s prayer was that we would walk in wisdom by choosing the things that are good and that we would be innocent of those practices that are evil.


AWAIT THE HOPE OF HEAVEN: The device false teachers and the immoral and rebellious people may appear to be prosperous and happy. This is only a temporary situation.  God is a righteous judge, and He is sending His Son back again to rule and reign over this earth.  This eternal reign will crush the rebellion of Satan and will judge all the immoral and false teachers.  The righteous who have trusting in Christ for their salvation will be rewarded in His glorious kingdom.  We have an amazing hope awaiting us in heaven and are called to live in light of that future reality.


APPLICATION: Don’t be divisive and beware of how false teachers are constantly striving to ruin the unity of the body of Christ.  No matter what the temporal costs may be, always choose obedience over rebellion. There is great joy in a life of submission to God.  No matter how unjust things may seem in the present, hold on to the hope of heaven and trust God to make things right in eternity.


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