Ephesians 1:13-14

                                                                     Ephesians 1:13-14

 In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it, to the praise of his glory.


The Holy Spirit’s roll in our salvation is the final emphasis in this opening description of the Trinity’s glorious work.  The truths of our salvation are precious, but some may question if the work of God in salvation will truly be fulfilled for eternity.  Is it possible that those who have trusted Christ will end up falling away from the faith?  The Holy Spirit is given to assure that this will not happen.


WE ARE SEALED: When we hear the Gospel and respond to it in faith, the Holy Spirit “seals” us.  Perhaps the best way to understand this phrase is with the expression that we use: “sealed the deal.”  When we believe the Gospel, the Holy Spirit enters our life through what we call His indwelling.  That is like the “stamp of approval” on the reality of our salvation.  All that the Father did to bless, choose and adopt us as well as all the Son did to redeem, forgive, unite, and reward us; becomes a reality when we believe and the Spirit enters our life.  A seal is like a proof of authenticity or a guarantee that our salvation is real.  If a person does not have the Spirit indwelling them, it is because they are not saved.  The indwelling of the Spirit is “proof positive” that we are genuine believers and our sins have been forever forgiven by God’s grade to the Glory of our Lord. 


WE ARE SECURE: Salvation is not a temporary status.  When the Spirit enters the life of a believer, He guarantees that we will inherit eternal life with Christ.  We do not immediately enter our eternal state when we are saved.  We often speak of God’s work of salvation in our lives in three terms or phases: justification, sanctification, and glorification.  The Holy Spirit in the promise that assures us that all who are justified through faith in Jesus will be eternally glorified and perfectly conformed to the image of Jesus.  The Spirit living in us provides us with that security or assurance.  The natural result of the Spirit’s presence in our lives us that He begins the work of conforming us to the image of Christ in the present.  We will continue to struggle with sin as long as we live in our current fallen world with our fallen bodies and minds.  However, the Spirit will work in us to graciously help us grow closer to the Lord and progressively become more holy.  When the Holy Spirit comes into our lives, He starts working in us and we can be sure that He will complete His work.


APPLICATION: Thank the Lord Jesus for sending His Spirit to dwell in our lives.  Walk closely according to the Spirit’s leading in our lives especially through the Scriptures that He inspired.  Depend on the spirit to help us in every aspect of our walk with Christ.  Take great comfort and be hopeful in all circumstances because of the Spirit’s presence in our lives.


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