Ephesians 3:7-13

Of this gospel I was made a minister according to the gift of God's grace, which was given me by the working of his power.  To me, though I am the very least of all the saints, this grace was given, to preach to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ, and to bring to light for everyone what is the plan of the mystery hidden for ages in God, who created all things, so that through the church the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places.  This was according to the eternal purpose that he has realized in Christ Jesus our Lord, in whom we have boldness and access with confidence through our faith in him.  So I ask you not to lose heart over what I am suffering for you, which is your glory.


Knowing the Gospel is a grace for which every believer should be eternally grateful.  However, having the honor of being a minister of the Gospel is a grace that is stacked on top of grace.  None of us deserve to be saved and none of us are deserving of the privilege of proclaiming the message of salvation to others.  These graces are given to us for His eternal glory and our eternal good.  As we understand what it means to be a minister of the Gospel we should grow in effectiveness. 


THE REQUIREMENTS FOR GOSPEL MINISTRY: The first requirement for being a minister of the Gospel is humility.  We could say that humility is the first requirement for responding to the Gospel.  Ministers, in particular, must think with humility and demonstrate humility in their walk.  Paul calls himself the least of the apostles though most of us would consider him to be the most effective.  Gratitude would be the second requirement.  Paul recognized that being minister was a gift of God’s grace.  It was not a burden to be tolerated even though it landed him in prison and caused him to suffer greatly.  Being a minister of the Gospel is a privilege that should be celebrated.  The final requirement is dependence.  It was the power of God that qualified and worked through Paul.  None of the credit for a minister’s accomplishments belongs to the minister; it all belongs to God.  He is the One who empowers and allows to be effective.  He looks for availability in our lives not some sort of superhuman ability.


THE REASON FOR GOSPEL MINISTRY: Preaching the Gospel to all the nations is one of the reasons for Gospel ministry.  We are called to as the body of Christ to make the unsearchable riches of Christ.  Billions of people still live in spiritual poverty because they have not even heard of, much less experienced, the wealth of grace, mercy, and love flowing from the Father to us through the Son in the power of the Spirit.  Ministers as to equip the church to be intentionally engaged in the mission of God to raise up worshipers of God in all nations.  This requires believers to pray fervently, give generously, and go forth boldly to proclaim the Gospel.  The main reason for these ministries is for the glory of God to be on full display in heaven and on earth for eternity.  The fallen condition of man and creation is a temporary blight on this world.  God’s glory is being brought into question as men make accusations against God for the suffering, we bring upon ourselves.  Fallen angels mock God and strive to thwart the mission of God.  This will not continue.  God saves sinners, transforms them into saints, and then empowers them as his servants for ministry.  He then uses them to save more sinners and the process repeats itself as a demonstration of His grace and glory.


THE RESULTS OF GOSPEL MINISTRY: The accomplishment of God’s will is one of the results of Gospel ministry.  This is what God wants to happen and ministry is His means of bringing it to pass.  Since we are involved in fulfilling the eternal purposes of God, this gives us a boldness to live our lives and minister the Gospel in any circumstance with boldness.  Our faith in Christ allows us access to God through prayer and gives us power to face suffering and dedicate ourselves to something that is far greater than ourselves.  As a result of Gospel ministry believers can be encouraged in times of persecution, imprisonment, and even martyrdom because we know that God is at work through all of this for His will.  Finally, Gospel ministry results in our sharing in God’s glory as we participate in His mission.


APPLICATION: Serve God in humble dependence on His power with a spirit of gratitude.  Use all or our resources, abilities, gifts, and dedicate ourselves fully to prayer so that the glory of God might be reveled in and through us.  Boldly believe that God is using our lives and any difficult circumstances we might face in this life of ministry to accomplish His will and allow us to share in His glory.


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