Ephesians 5:15-21

Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.  Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.  And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart, giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ.

The key to walking in a way that is pleasing to God is to be constantly filled or controlled by the Spirit.  We are commanded to be being filled with the Spirit.  It can be hard to understand a passive imperative like we see in this text.  What is important is that the content of this passage gives us instructions we should strive to follow, while simultaneously giving us evidence of the Spirit’s work in our lives.  

MAKING WISE USE OF TIME: Our lives are made up of phases.  In each season of life there are things that we are expected to accomplish as well as dangers that threaten to derail our growth.  Some of the most dangerous times in our lives are when we are transitioning from one phase to another.  We tend to want to jump ahead too soon, before we have accomplished what God desires; or we lag, refusing to progress to the next phase.  Making wise use of our time means to live our current moment to the fullest.  It is foolish to say things like: “I can’t wait until…” or “Back in the good old days…”.   Live each day to the fullest and each phase of life for the glory of God.

UNDERSTANDING GOD’S WILL: It is the will of God that we obey His Word and submit to His Spirit.  Living our lives to the fullest is certainly an important part of accomplishing God’s will.  As God’s image bearers, all men have been given a spirit.  We are all ore than just a physical body.  The Holy Spirit works within our spirit to help us live according to the will of God.  This involves our actions as well as our attitudes and the motivations of our hearts.  Like wine can control a person’s body, the Holy Spirit wants to control every aspect of our lives so that we will live according to God’s will.  

PRAISING THE LORD: We were created to worship.  This should permeate every area of our lives and every utterance that comes from our mouths.  The lives of believers should be marked by singing.  We sing to one another as a means of encouragement and instruction.  We sing to the Lord as a means of praise and worship.  God’s Spirit moves in us to   inspire God honoring speech and music.  Our lives should be marked by joy and gratitude because of all Christ has done for us and in us.  The joy in our hearts because of our relationship with God should overflow into all kinds of worship.

SUBMITTING TO ONE ANOTHER: As believers who what to follow God’s will and be controlled by His Spirit; submission should be our defining characteristic.  There is no place for self-centeredness in the life of a believer.  We are to live to love and serve others for the glory of God; not to promote ourselves.  When we insist on our own way and fight for our own rights; we become miserable.  No matter what position of authority we might occupy in the family, church, workplace, or society; submission and humble service are the marks of a believer under the control of God’s Spirit.

APPLICATION: Don’t live in the past or long for the future in such a way that we don’t live in obedience in the present.  Seek to understand God’s desires and then make every effort to follow Him.  Rejoice in all the blessings of God and let our hearts overflow with praise of God to one another.  Put the needs and desires of other ahead of our own.


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