Ephesians 6:1-4

Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.  “Honor your father and mother” (this is the first commandment with a promise), “that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land.” Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.


Paul’s theme of mutual submission moves from the marriage relationship to the parent child relationship.  Both children and parents are called to consider their attitudes and actions in their relationship to one another.  It is important for both parents and children to fulfill their roles so the family can flourish from generation to generation.  God’s people have always been instructed to invest in family so that the will of God will continue to be accomplished in the future.


CHILDREN SUBMIT TO DISCIPLINE: Obedience is the basic responsibility every child is expected to learn.  The primary source of learning obedience is the parent.  Children are to obey their parents as representatives of the Lord in their lives.  All authority is established by God, this is especially true when it comes to parental authority.  However, parents are also under the Lord’s authority.  When any authority prohibits what God requires or requires what God prohibit, God’s will takes precedence.  Life will go well for all who learn to live in obedience to authority and honor their parents.  This is a promise from God.  A long and meaningful life is the natural result of a life of submission to authority.  Children should be thankful for parents who require obedience.


PARENTS SUBMIT BY DISCIPLESHIP: It is not easy to discipline children on a consistent basis.  Often, children will repeatedly disobey a parent as a means of testing a parent’s resolve.  When a parent is inconsistent with their demands of obedience, it usually results in an angry and rebellious child.  When a parent established unrealistic expectations for their child, it can frustrate a child.  It takes time and a concerted effort to teach a child obedience and invest in their lives so they learn to love God and others.  Parents serve their children best by consistent discipline and faithful discipleship.  Parents who teach and model God’s Word are placing themselves under the mission of God.    


APPLICATION: Obey parents that call us to obey God’s will.  Honor parents as God’s representatives even when they don’t follow God’s Word.  As parents we should establish reasonable expectations and hold our children to that standard on a consistent basis.  Teach the Word of God to our children through our individualized teaching and personal example.


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