Colossians 1:21-23

And you, who once were alienated and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds, he has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death, in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before him, if indeed you continue in the faith, stable and steadfast, not shifting from the hope of the gospel that you heard, which has been proclaimed in all creation under heaven, and of which I, Paul, became a minister.


God is at work in this world and specifically in the lives of every believer.  Because of our lost condition, we could not save ourselves.  Were it not for God’s work, everyone would be lost and under eternal condemnation.  This passage is the testimony of every believer.  It reveals who we were, what God has done about it, and who we have become.


SIN’S WORK AGAINST US: Because of the sin nature with which we were born, every person starts life in a precarious position.  We were alienated from God.  Our sin separates us from God because of His perfect holiness.  We were condemned to spend eternity separated from and without access to God.  We were hostile in our minds.  We were not born as innocent people at peace with God.  Our hearts and mind were hostile towards God or at war with Him.  Rebellion and rejection are the attitudes that best described our mindset towards God.  We practiced evil deeds.  Since we were separated from God and at war with Him, it is only logical that our actions will be sinful.  Even our “good deeds” were often motivated by self-interest and self-promotion as opposed to the glory and worship of God.  Those who practice sin and are at war with God can only expect to be alienated, separated from, and condemned by God.


GOD’S WORK FOR US: Because of God’s great and amazing grace, He did not leave us in. our sinful condition.  Through the death of Christ on the cross, He has made a way to reconcile us with Him.  We have the promise of living in His presence for eternity and enjoy a relationship with Him today that will expand and grow close forevermore.  Instead of being separated from Him; we are now holy or separated for Him.  We are blameless before Him because Christ took all our blame upon Himself.  Our deeds are now considered to be above reproach or without impurity right down to the motivations of our hearts.  None of us feel this way right now.  However, this is the work of God for us that will be our eternal reality and is our eternal hope.  This is the promise of salvation.


GOD’S WORK IN US: God’s work for us is made possible by His work that is accomplished in us.  The only prerequisite for salvation is faith alone in the death and resurrection of Christ Jesus.  Faith is not a work that we accomplish in order to earn our salvation.  Faith is the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives that causes us to turn from confidence in our own works or man-centered religion to trust only in Jesus.  The faith that God grants to us is not some passing whim.  It is something that is continuous in our lives, the result of which is stability and steadfastness.  Faith is not a temporary response to the work of God in us.  It provides a steady and secure hope that is based on the absolute truth of the Gospel.  The faith and hope we have are secure because they are the works of God in us.


GOD’S WORK THROUGH US: The only logical response of those who have been given such amazing gifts is to share them with others.  The message of the Gospel is to be spread to every person in every nation around the world.  God’s glory is revealed universally through the world He has created.  However, the message of the Gospel must be heard in order for salvation to occur.  This is why Paul and many others throughout the history of the church have dedicated themselves to ministering this Gospel to the nations.  This is the highest calling possible.  God equips us through gifts and expects us to use those abilities to spread the Good News of the Gospel to all nations. 


APPLICATION: Repent from the sin that infected our hearts and minds.  Trust in Christ alone to rescue us from our sin and make peace between us and God.  Be eternally grateful for being to live with hope.  Share the gift of the Gospel with those around us.  Dedicate ourselves and whatever work we do to make a contribution to the advancement of the Gospel to all nations.


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