Philippians 4:1-3

Therefore, my brothers, whom I love and long for, my joy and crown, stand firm thus in the Lord, my beloved.  I entreat Euodia and I entreat Syntyche to agree in the Lord.  Yes, I ask you also, true companion, help these women, who have labored side by side with me in the gospel together with Clement and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the book of life.

Believers need one another.  The Christian walk is a “team sport,” not and individual competition.  God places us into the body of Christ so we can help one another to become more like Jesus.  We must never be distracted from that ultimate goal and must never be deceived into thinking that we can achieve it alone.  Division seems to be an issue this church is facing.


STAND FIRM IN THE LORD: Because of the hope of resurrection transformation, we should be encouraged to stand firm in our walk with the Lord now.  A secure future should always generate confidence in the present. Another reason Paul gives for standing firm is his own love for them.  He affirms that he longs to be with them and that they are a source of great joy and even pride in his life.  Future hope and present love are instruments of sanctification in our lives and the lives of those to whom we minister.  We need to constantly remind people of the promises of God and assure them of our love for them.  Whenever we struggle with our steadfastness, we need to look to the hope of heaven and lean into our relationships with others.


STAND TOGETHER IN LOVE: The two women called out in this passage must have had a severe conflict for it to have come to Paul’s attention in Rome.  The fact that Paul mentions them by name demonstrates the importance of resolving conflicts.  It also gives us a few clues as to how conflict should be resolved.  First, it should be taken seriously and be exposed for what it is instead of thinking that if we just ignore it, it will go away.  Second, those involved in the conflict need to work together to come to agreement.  Paul has already addressed the definition and importance of unity in the beginning of chapter two.  They must stop defending their own position but work together to discern the mind of Christ on this issue.  Third, local leadership must get involved in helping to find a solution to the issue.  People in conflict will often have a hard time seeing the value of the other person’s point of view.  However, when godly people that are not directly involved in the conflict speak the truth in love it is easier to hear.  Finally, don’t allow present conflict to discount all the accomplishments of the past.  We are all susceptible to sin and should unite as a body to help one another overcome sin as we walk together in love.


APPLICATION: Constantly remember and remind others of the resurrection.  Express our love for others to them as a means of encouragement.  Remember the love of others for us.  Don’t run from or ignore conflict; resolve it.  Work together to agree with anyone with whom we disagree.  Involve godly leaders in our disputes and be ready to help others resolve their conflicts.  Don’t “write off” godly people who are struggling with conflicts. 


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