1 Thessalonians 1:1-4

Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy, To the church of the Thessalonians in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ: Grace to you and peace.  We give thanks to God always for all of you, constantly mentioning you in our prayers, remembering before our God and Father your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.  For we know, brothers loved by God, that he has chosen you.

God has called us to minister to one another.  Paul gives us a great example of the kind of ministry to which we should aspire.  He shows us the basic ingredients of ministry to young believers.  These three components should be present when we are seeking to serve the people around us.

PRAYER: One of the most effective ways that any of us can minister to others is through prayer.  No matter what kind of health or giftings we have, prayer is a ministry all of us can do.  As we pray, we can ask for God’s grace and peace to be experienced by others.  Every person everywhere needs to experience the grace of God.  Peace with God and the peace of God are blessings for which everyone should pray.  Thanking God for the blessings that other people represent in our lives is a means of ministering that helps the entire body of Christ.  Paul exemplifies prayer for us in this passage by being specific and consistent in his praying.  He prayers for the people in the church individually and he does so on a regular basis.  Prayer is a ministry to which all of us are called.

ENCOURAGEMENT: All of us appreciate being encouraged.  Too often, we notice the mistakes others make and are quick to point them out.  While there is nothing wrong with reproof and exhortation in ministry, it is important to remember the value of encouragement.  Paul mentions the faith, hope, and love that he recognizes in the lives of the people in the church.  This was a church that faced heavy persecutions so for them to be steadfast in hope, laboring in love, while working in faith was a demonstration of God’s grace in their lives.  When we notice the extraordinary work of the Spirit in the lives of others, it is important to let them know.  Encouraging godliness will often bring about better results than criticizing ungodliness.

ASSURANCE: Doubt and discouragement are two of the tools that Satan typically uses to cause believers to be ineffective.  That is why it is important for us to assure one another in the faith.  Can you imagine how blessed the church must have felt to have the Apostle Paul recognize that they were elected and loved by God.  When the salvific work of God is evident in the lives of believers, it is important to let them know.  People who are secure in their relationship with the Lord will be more effective in ministry.  Assuring others about the way we see God working in their hearts and lives is an important aspect of ministry.

APPLICATION: Pray specifically and consistently for God’s grace and peace to reign in the people God has placed in our lives, especially those who are under our leadership as well as those who lead us.  Be intentional about looking for ways to encourage others in their walk with the Lord.  When we see evidence of salvation in others, praise the Lord, and let them know how thankful we are for the way we see God working in and through them. 


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