1 Thessalonians 1:4-5

For we know, brothers[b] loved by God, that he has chosen you, because our gospel came to you not only in word, but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and with full conviction. You know what kind of men we proved to be among you for your sake. 


Evangelism is really the only Christian responsibility that is limited to our life on this side of heaven.  Everything else that believers are called to do, such as prayer, study of Scripture, worship, praise, fellowship, we will do for eternity and much better than we currently do.  However, there will be no evangelism in heaven for obvious reasons.  As we will see in the verses ahead, the effectiveness of Paul’s ministry in Thessalonica was amazing.  The key to the success of his ministry there can be seen in this short passage that describes Paul’s evangelistic efforts.  These three components are vital to any evangelistic effort.


THE PREACHING OF THE SCRIPTURE: St. Francis of Assis said: “Preach the Gospel every day and if necessary, use words.”  While I can appreciate the heart of what he was communicating, the necessity of a good testimony, it is dangerous to think that a Christian example is sufficient to reach the lost.  We are called to articulate the Gospel in a clear and correct manner.  Paul preached the Word of God wherever he went both publicly and privately (Acts 20:20).  We are called to be heralds of the Good News of Jesus Christ.  People must understand the truths of the Gospel and be called upon to repent of their sins and place their faith in Christ alone for salvation.  This requires the use of words.  Works without words will not provide the clarity needed for people to respond to the Gospel.  We must open our mouths and preach the Scriptures.  


THE POWER OF THE SPIRIT: As important as it is for us to do the work of evangelism, the salvation of people will only happen by the power of the Holy Spirit.  We are powerless to convict people of their sin, convince them of the truth of the Gospel, or convert anyone.  This can only be done by the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit.  As evangelists, we must depend on the gifts of the Spirit at work in us as opposed to our own efforts or abilities.  We must also pray for the working of the Spirit in the hearts of those with whom we share the Gospel.  His power is our only source of strength and the only hope there is for people to genuinely come to Christ.  Words without the works of the Spirit will not have the power to convince people of their need of Christ.  We must depend on the Spirit of God to empower us and enlighten those with whom we share.  


THE PRACTICE OF THE SAINTS: While our Christian example is not enough, it is an important aspect of evangelism.  Paul faithfully practiced what he preached.  He lived a life of obedience before the people in the city and he loved them in an authentic and effective way.  His example was consistent with his exposition of God’s Word.  He could confidently call people to follow his example.  What we do must be aligned with what we say.  Words without works will create confusion in the minds of the hearers and make us look hypocritical instead of authentic in our evangelistic efforts.  We must use our hands, feet, and hearts to provide credibility to the message we proclaim in the power of the spirit. 


APPLICATION: Regularly share our testimony of how God has transformed our lives and clearly proclaim the Gospel so that it can be correctly understood.  Pray for the Spirit to empower and embolden us to proclaim the Gospel and to prepare the hearts of those to whom we will speak.  Consistently obey the commands of Scripture and love others unconditionally as a means of demonstrating the truths we believe and proclaim.


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