1 Thessalonians 2:13-16

And we also thank God constantly for this, that when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men but as what it really is, the word of God, which is at work in you believers.  For you, brothers, became imitators of the churches of God in Christ Jesus that are in Judea. For you suffered the same things from your own countrymen as they did from the Jews, who killed both the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and drove us out, and displease God and oppose all mankind by hindering us from speaking to the Gentiles that they might be saved—so as always to fill up the measure of their sins. But wrath has come upon them at last!


The Word of God requires a decision.  Unfortunately, not everyone decides to follow and obey the Word of God, but that is still a decision.  Some people may become hostile to the Word of God and seek to persecute those who submit to God’s Word.  This too is a decision that is being made about the Word.  Of course, the decision most desirable about God’s Word is to conform to and propagate its teachings.  These different decisions about God’s Word are evident in this passage.


THE RECEIVING OF THE WORD: When the Scripture is preached, it is always done by a flawed and sinful person.  We tend to look at whoever is preaching and will either have a positive or negative response.  Often, that response is based on personality, eloquence, sense of humor, and any other number of factors that contribute to our impressions about the speaker.  Unfortunately, too often our reception of the message depends on these impressions.  The power and authority of preaching does not come from the preacher; it comes from the Word of God.  Paul recognized that the church heard the Word from him and his team but praised the church for receiving it as the Word of God.  Certainly, preachers have a responsibility to teach the Word of God accurately.  Additionally, hears must recognize the authority behind preaching is the Scripture.  We must not look at preaching as some form of entertainment or ritual; it is an opportunity to hear from God. 


THE RESPONSE TO THE WORD: When the Word of God is received with the recognition of God’s authority, it requires a response.  The Word of God works in the hearts of believers to make the necessary changes.  In this case the hears in Thessalonica responded to the Word by drastically changing their lives.  They turned from idolatry to follow the true and living God.  This was a public rejection of the culture in which they lived where the worship of Caesar was required by law and the worship to the Greek and Roman gods was the common practice of the day.  Those who believed God’s Word as God’s Word responded by rejecting these idols and they were willing to pay the price for doing so.  They were risking imprisonment by the Roman authorities and rejection from their friends and neighbors.  They were willing to lose their, freedom, friends, jobs, social standing, peace, and comfort in response to the Word of God.  Persecution is the most common result of obeying the Scriptures in a fallen world.  The Word of God requires a response that causes us to turn from the sinful culture that surrounds us in such a way that persecution is likely to follow.


THE REJECTION OF THE WORD: Clearly, not everyone who hears the Word of is exposed to those who are practicing the Word will receive and respond to it positively.  Many will reject the Word of God just as they rejected the Son of God while He was walking on this earth.  If the preaching of Jesus was rejected by many; it should not surprise us if our preaching is rejected.  Historically, those who receive the Word of God are persecuted by those who reject it.  The prophets, Jesus and the apostles were all rejected and suffered at the hands of these evil men.  It should not surprise us when the same thing happens to us.  However, we must be careful not to respond to persecution in anger or vengeance.  Our job is to teach the Word in love no matter what the response or personal cost.  God’s wrath will fall on those who insist on rejecting His Word.  He is the just Judge, and we must not attempt to judge in His place.


APPLICATION: Listen carefully to the Word of God every time it is preached no matter how dynamic the speaker might be.  Obey the teaching of Scripture recognizing that it carries the weight and authority of God.  Be prepared to face persecution at the hands of those who reject God’s Word.  Allow God to be the Judge of and dispenser of wrath towards those who choose to disobey the Word and persecute us.  


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