1 Thessalonians 2:17-20

But since we were torn away from you, brothers, for a short time, in person not in heart, we endeavored the more eagerly and with great desire to see you face to face, because we wanted to come to you—I, Paul, again and again—but Satan hindered us.  For what is our hope or joy or crown of boasting before our Lord Jesus at his coming? Is it not you?  For you are our glory and joy.


Ministry has its delights and difficulties.  There are many aspects of being a minister of the Gospel that fill us with love, joy, and hope from the relationships that are forged in ministry.  However, there is also great opposition to our efforts that comes from ungodly men as well as from the forces of evil in the spiritual world. There can be no doubt that the benefits, both now and for eternity, far outweigh any difficulties we might experience.  Paul ministry experience could be described by these three statements.  I believe most ministers can relate with them.


AFFECTION FOR BELIEVERS: Paul and his team had to leave the city on their first visit very abruptly because of a plot on his life.  The persecution was so heavy that they chased Paul out of Berea, the next city Paul visited.  However, though his body was absent, his heart remained with them because he loved them so deeply.  Ministers must love the people to whom they minister.  Love for one another is the basic mark of a follower of Jesus and one we must constantly cultivate in our lives.  Selfishness and pride spring more naturally from our hearts so we must be more intentional about fostering love for others.  When we have the privilege of seeing people come to Christ and be transformed by the power of the Gospel, affection is the response ministers hold in their hearts.          


AFFLICTION FROM SATAN: Though Paul’s desire was to return quickly to visit the believers and spend more time with them, he was prevented from doing so by Satan.  We don’t know what kind of problems Satan caused to prevent this return visit, but Paul was convinced that they were satanic in nature.  There were times when Paul was prevented from going to places by the Spirit of God.  This was different.  Forces of evil were working against Paul that prevented him from returning so this letter was the best he could do at the time.  We must be prepared to face spiritual warfare especially when we are seeking to advance the Gospel to new places.  The Gospel has enemies in both the physical and spiritual realm.  As we minister to others, we must be prepared to face this kind of affliction and opposition from both. 


AFFIRMATION OF REWARDS: There are great rewards associated with ministering to others.  When we live our lives to love and serve others, we experience a joy that is not dependent upon far any circumstances we might face.  We were created to love and serve others and when we do what we were created to do, we experience great joy.  Beyond the joy we experience in serving the Lord, we also have the hope and assurance of eternal rewards that are glorious.  Paul assures the church that they are his crown, joy and hope at the coming of Christ.  The rewards of ministry are both earthly and heavenly in nature.  These rewards are far greater than any affliction Satan might bring about in our lives.  We can rest assured that the eternal rewards of ministry are worth any persecution we might face along the way.


APPLICATION:  Love people with a deep and abiding affection.  Spend time with people encouraging them to grow in the Lord.  Don’t be surprised or discouraged by any affliction or opposition Satan or his followers might bring our way.  Fix our eyes on the eternal rewards God has promised and rejoice in the privilege of serving the Lord.


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