2 Thessalonians 1:11-12

To this end we always pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling and may fulfill every resolve for good and every work of faith by his power, so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.


Paul’s prayers are instructive.  They reveal God’s will and purposes for our lives.  Paul prays according to the will of God because these prayers are inspired by the Holy Spirit.  This provides us with a unique insight as to what God wants to do in our lives as believers as well as His motives for wanting to accomplish these things.


WHAT GOD DOES: God is at work in our lives to accomplish His will in and through us.  Paul’s prayer reveals three aspects of God’s will in our lives: worthiness, goodness, and faithfulness.  We need to understand that none of us could ever be worthy of God’s calling.  However, God is able to make us worthy through the work of the Gospel in us.  Our faith in Christ’s work on the cross is the only condition for salvation.  He makes us worthy in the sight of God to be called into salvation.  However, those whom God calls into salvation, receive much more that forgiveness of sin; they also receive freedom from the power of sin.  We have been given the power of God who makes us worthy by transforming us and conforming us to Christ.  This power allows us to accomplish good works for God’s glory.  Many people resolve to do good works but either do not follow through or only do them for their own glory.  God enables us to accomplish our resolutions with the correct motives.  These good works are works of faith that are done in His power.  This dependence on the power of God is the definition of faithfulness.  


WHY GOD DOES IT: The reason that God is at work to make us like Jesus is three-fold: His glory, our glory, and His grace.  God saves and transforms us so that the name of Jesus might be glorified in us as He works to accomplish His work of salvation.  He is the one who should receive all glory and be worshiped in the nations for the amazing work of transformation that takes place in the lives of believers.  He takes sinful people and makes them holy.  He takes persecutors of the church like Paul and makes them into preachers of the Gospel. All that believers do or become is accomplished by the power of the Gospel to the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ.  As His children, we are privileged to share in His glory as He reveals His glory in us.  He desires for us to experience the joy, peace, holiness, and love that are a part of His very essence.  To be made like Jesus is truly glorious.  The reason that God does all of this is for the glory of Christ and the joy of His children, but behind these motives is His grace.  He does all of this because He is a gracious God that gives us these blessings even though we do not deserve them.  His grace is behind all that He does for us and in us.


APPLICATION: Don’t imagine that we can ever be worthy of salvation or God’s favor on our own merits.  Depend on the power of God to make us like Jesus and trust Him to accomplish His will in our lives.  Seek God’s glory and not our own.  Rejoice in all He does in and through us.  Know and be thankful that it is only by His grace that any of these things can be accomplished.


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