2 Thessalonians 2:13-17

But we ought always to give thanks to God for you, brothers beloved by the Lord, because God chose you as the firstfruits to be saved, through sanctification by the Spirit and belief in the truth.  To this he called you through our gospel, so that you may obtain the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.  So then, brothers, stand firm and hold to the traditions that you were taught by us, either by our spoken word or by our letter.  Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God our Father, who loved us and gave us eternal comfort and good hope through grace, comfort your hearts and establish them in every good work and word.

In light of the second coming of Christ, there are certain things that should be true about us.  All Christians do not agree on when the rapture of the church will occur in relation to the Tribulation and reign of Antichrist.  However, we do all agree on the fact that the Lord Jesus is returning and will judge evil with complete justice.  Until that glorious day, we will face difficulties here on earth; but we don’t face them alone.  We have the power of the Spirit and the hope of the Gospel that should strengthen and encourage us during these times of trial.


BE THANKFUL FOR SALVATION: We must never take for granted the blessing that it is that we are saved from our sin.  None of us deserve salvation and there is no way that we could ever earn salvation.  The only proper response for receiving something that is unmerited is gratitude.  The motive behind this salvation is the love of God.  To be “beloved by the Lord” is a great reason for gratitude.  God chose to love us and to save us as “firstfruits” this expression usually means a promise of things to come.  In this case, it seems Paul is expecting a promise of great things for the future.  That could mean many more people also being saved, but in context it seems to be a promise of greater conformity to the image of Christ through the work of the Spirit.  The means of salvation is twofold: the sanctifying of the Spirit and belief in the truth.  There is no salvation apart from the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit as He moves un our hearts and separates us from the sinful world as saints and children of God.  He opens our eyes to the truth and enables us to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation from sin.  The result of salvation is that we are conformed to Christ and be glorified with Him for eternity.  We certainly have many reasons for thanksgiving!


BE FAITHFUL IN SUFFERING: In light of the wonders of the Gospel Paul calls believers to stand firm in the teachings that he gave them.  They were saved and they were suffering because of their commitment to the Lord.  It is easy to become discouraged when we suffer.  When we are discouraged, we may become vulnerable to unbiblical thinking and sinful actions.  Thanksgiving for salvation should help us to stand firm and be faithful when we face suffering for the cause of Christ.  When we find ourselves wondering if it is “worth it” the resounding answer should be: “YES!”  The things that we have been taught and read in the Word of God are true and worth defending.  No matter what the world or the culture around us tries to teach; God’s Word is the standard for truth and should be the anchor that helps us stand in suffering.   


BE FRUITFUL WITH SERVICE: The Gospel provides comfort to us in our suffering.  His love and grace in our lives is secure and everlasting.  No matter what we face, the Gospel remains true, and the promises of God in the Gospel will all come to pass.  This truth should comfort our hearts and minds and fill us with hope.  When we are hopeful is when we will be helpful.  The hope of the Gospel that provides comfort is the context in which we can be “established in every good work.”  Good works do not save us.  But those who are saved should do good works.  Faithfulness will result in fruitfulness.  


APPLICATION: Be thankful for the salvation we have in Christ.  Never take our salvation for granted.  Remind ourselves of the hope of the Gospel in the midst of suffering.  Study and believe the Word of God and then be faithful to follow it.  Be motivated to serve others through the hope and comfort of the Gospel. 


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