2 Timothy 3:10-13

You, however, have followed my teaching, my conduct, my aim in life, my faith, my patience, my love, my steadfastness, my persecutions and sufferings that happened to me at Antioch, at Iconium, and at Lystra—which persecutions I endured; yet from them all the Lord rescued me.  Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, while evil people and impostors will go on from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.

More is caught than taught.  We learn more through observation than instruction.  In the previous passage, the conduct of the rebellious was exposed along with their certain judgment.  In contrast to the rebellious, Paul points to himself as a pattern worthy of emulation.  Certainly, Christ is the goal of every Christian, but we do not see Jesus in our daily lives.  We see one another and need to learn both positively and negatively from others.

AN EXAMPLE TO FOLLOW: In contrast to the rebellious people of the “last days” culture, Paul points to himself as an example of Christian living.  He has provided that example in both verbal and non-verbal ways.  Verbally, he has taught Timothy both in private and in public.  Paul’s beliefs and convictions were clearly articulated in ways that everyone could hear.  That teaching was also being lived out and illustrated in Paul’s behavior, purpose, faith, patience, and love.  These are character qualities that every believer should strive to possess.  We are called to walk in a way that is pleasing to the Lord, live for the glory of the Lord, believe the promises of the Lord, wait on the timing of the Lord, and love the people of the Lord.  A life of biblical teaching and practice is convicting and offensive the rebellious culture of the last days.  For that reason, it was also necessary for Paul to be steadfast in the face of suffering and persecution.  Paul points to the three cities in which Timothy had witnessed his suffering as well as the ways God has delivered him from this persecution.  In short, Paul’s example was one of faithful teaching and living in the face of suffering.

AN EXPECTATION TO KNOW: Paul warns Timothy and all of us “last days” believers who live in a rebellious culture that persecution is to be expected.  Godly living in an ungodly society will always be offensive and result in rejection and retaliation.  It was true in Paul’s day and continues to be true around the world today.  There are places and times throughout history that they persecution has been and is worse, but it has and always will be present.  As we move closer to the “final day” and the return of Christ this persecution and suffering are expected to grow.  The rebelliousness of the society at large as well as those who are striving to infiltrate the church will go from bad to worse.  We must be careful not to compromise our convictions and conduct in a futile attempt to lessen the contrast in hopes of easing the conflict.  Our calling is to be faithful in the face of any and all persecutions.

APPLICATION: Be an example worthy of following in our teaching and conduct.  Teach truth, walk according to the Word, and prepare to persevere in persecution.  Expect to pay the price for following Christ just as He and all who have followed Him faithfully suffered.  Do not be surprised by the moral and spiritual decline surrounding the culture as we draw close to the return of Christ.


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