2 Timothy 4:9-15

Do your best to come to me soon.  For Demas, in love with this present world, has deserted me and gone to Thessalonica. Crescens has gone to Galatia, Titus to Dalmatia.  Luke alone is with me. Get Mark and bring him with you, for he is very useful to me for ministry.  Tychicus I have sent to Ephesus.  When you come, bring the cloak that I left with Carpus at Troas, also the books, and above all the parchments.  Alexander the coppersmith did me great harm; the Lord will repay him according to his deeds.  Beware of him yourself, for he strongly opposed our message.

There will be many people with whom we work throughout our ministry lives.  Some of those people will be a great blessing, others will disappoint, and still others will hurt us badly.  Paul is facing his final days on earth and is reflecting on the people in his life.  This personal letter to Timothy reveals what is going on in his heart and mind.  His thoughts give us insights as to what is truly important when we reach the end of our lives.

PAUL’S REPORT ABOUT PEOPLE: The ministry is people.  We minister to people, and we minister with people.  Any time we work with people there will be challenges as well as great blessings.  There are people who will disappoint and people who will surprise in a good way.  Demas was a disappointment because he deserted Paul in his time of need because he loved the world more than the Lord.  Crescens and Titus had been with Paul but were no longer there.  Presumably, these two were going to do some sort of ministry but it left Paul lonely none-the-less.  Luke, the author of Acts and likely Paul’s personal physician, was still with Paul and serving him.  The pleasant surprise is Mark.  This is the same guy that abandoned Paul and Barnabas on the first missionary journey.  He was the reason Paul and Barnabas went separate ways as Paul didn’t want to give him a second chance.  However, his is now seen as being very useful.  God is in the business of transforming lives.

PAUL’S REQUEST FOR PARCHMENTS: Paul is pleading for Timothy to come see him as soon as possible. However, on his way he wants Timothy to stop in Troas to get a coat, some books, and especially the parchments.  Life in prison is not comfortable and he was likely feeling the cold so wanted the coat for warmth.  As a scholar, there would be books that he wanted to read and study.  However, his greatest desire was for the parchments which are likely portions of Scripture that Paul had access to and greatly desired to read and study them for his personal edification.  The Scriptures are precious, and it is a great blessing to be able to study the Word of God.

PAUL’S REMINDER ABOUT PROBLEMS: Besides ministry partners who disappoint, there are true enemies of the Gospel who are out to do harm to those who proclaim the Word.  Alexander the coppersmith was likely in the business of making idols for profit and Paul’s preaching was putting him out of business.  He sought to stir the mob against Paul and put his life in danger.  Those who do not fear God and do harm to His servants will face judgment from God.  That is an assurance we have but it does not make life much easier when they are persecuting us.  No matter how faithful or effective we are, we can expect opposition, persecution, and problems in this fallen world.

APPLICATION: Don’t be discouraged from working with people when they disappoint.  Be faithful to the Lord and His servants even at great personal cost.  Be ready to recognize the changes in people.  Rejoice at the privilege of having access to the Scriptures in our own language.  Prepare to face persecution but trust all judgment and vengeance to the Lord.


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