1 John 3:1-24

The love of God in Christ has been demonstrated to us in the fact that we have become children of God through faith in the work of Christ on the cross.  As children of God we are expected to bear a family resemblance.  As with any family there are identifying characteristics that distinguish the children of God from those of a different family.  God has saved us so that His character might become evident in our lives.  That work is not completed yet, but one day, when we see Him, we will be transformed into the image of Christ for the glory of God.  The rules that God has established for His family members are few but very important.
CHILDREN OF GOD DO NOT PRACTICE SIN: The source of sin is Satan and our own sinful lusts.  Christ died to set us free from our enslavement to sin and give us victory over Satan.  Those who continue to be bound to the practice of sin as a consistent pattern in their lives demonstrate that they are not truly children of God.  Obedience is one of the distinguishing features of those who are truly born of God.  Many people claim to have faith and believe that they are saved.  However, their lives continue to demonstrate a habitual practice of sinfulness.  These people are simply fooling themselves and may be successful at fooling other men but they will not fool God.  He knows those who are His children by the way that they walk in obedience to His Word and will.  All believers will commit sin as isolated acts in their lives until Christ’s work is perfected in us on the shores of heaven.  But the pattern of our lives will not be one of enslavement to sin it will be one of freedom from sin.
CHILDREN OF GOD DO NOT PRACTICE HATRED: God is love and He produces love in the hearts of His children.  Men without Christ are naturally selfish and will do anything to promote their own agenda.  They are jealous of any who may be given preference over them and, as was demonstrated by Cain, will even kill in order to exact revenge on whomever might stand in the way of their desires.  Hatred is a distinguishing feature of those who are children of Satan.  They love only themselves and hate whatever or whoever might stand in their way.  The children of God are marked by their love.  The love God and they love others.  They even love their enemies and those who have no ability to return their love.  God’s children do not merely talk about love, but they demonstrate that love in real and practical ways.  They are willing to sacrifice of themselves to serve and meet the needs of other people.  The love of others gives us an assurance of the true work of God in our hearts and demonstrates that we truly are the children of God.


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