2 Peter 3:1-18
We often say that the future in uncertain. In many cases that is true since we do not have the ability to predict many events of our lives, our “short term” future is very unsure. However, the Bible reveals several truths to us concerning the long term future about which we can be very sure. We do not need to worry about either the long or short term future because we know Who is really in charge. However, since we live in a time when false teachings run wild in the world and the church, there are a few truths that we must keep in mind.
REMEMBER THE FLOOD: God has promised to judge the world, but those who promote false teachings choose to ignore that fact or even go so far as to deny it. They point to the fact that people have been warning about the judgment of God for a long time but nothing has happened. Peter attributes the delay in judgment to the grace and patience of God and His desire to see men come to repentance. However, he also reminds us to remember that God has already judged the entire earth with the flood. Sin became so prolific that He stepped into the history of man and killed everyone except Noah and his family. God is a judge, knows how to judge and has demonstrated that He is willing to judge in the most intense and complete form imaginable. Those who doubt or deny this truth are practicing wishful thinking and have their heads firmly buried in the sand. We must take advantage of God’s patience and proclaim the Gospel to all so that they might repent and escape the impending judgment. We must never mistake God’s grace for His inability or unwillingness to judge.
PREPARE FOR THE FIRE: At the end of the flood God promised never to destroy the earth with water again. The next time He judges the earth it will not be with water, but it will be with fire. The things of this earth are all destined for the flame and those who reject Christ are all destined for an eternal flame in hell. This is the coming judgment for which all men must desperately prepare. Christ is the only means of escaping this judgment. The fact of this judgment should cause each of us to evaluate our priorities in light of this truth. We live in a consumer driven society that places a much higher value on what we possess than it places upon who we are. A person’s worth is often determined by the amount of things he is able to accumulate. Peter reminds us that all of these things will be reduced to ashes. Cars, houses, factories, televisions and toys of all sizes will simply melt in the heat of God’s judgment. All that will matter on that day is who we are before God and not at all what we were able to buy. It light of that truth, we should all be motivated to live in holiness before the Lord and strive to please Him in preparation for that day when all of our works will be tested by fire.
GROW IN THE FAITH: Peter concludes his writings by challenging believers to continue to press forward in spiritual growth. We are to seek to know God more fully that we might experience His grace more completely. In order to accomplish that growth we are going to need to be patient as we wait for God’s work to be done in our lives and the world around us. We must not lose hope because the coming of Christ is delayed. We must also pay very close attention to the Scriptures that God has inspired through His apostles. We may not understand everything but that must not be used as an excuse for failing to pay close attention to the Word of God. There are many who would like nothing better than to see us stray from the faith but it is God’s desire to see us grow in the faith and He has made all provisions necessary for the this growth to occur in our lives. May He be lifted up as we wait for His eternal purposes to be revealed in our lives and the world!
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