James 3:1-18

Sorry that this chapter is out of order.  I wrote it in sequence and thought it had been posted, but it appears I forgot to do so.
Taming our tongues is a very hard thing to do, but it is of vital importance that we learn to do just that.  Though the tongue is one of the smallest members of our body, it wields a power far beyond its size.  It provides a window into our very hearts and is one of the clearest indicators of our spiritual maturity.  The tongue can be a source of tremendous blessing or in can be an instrument of blasphemy.  There is much that we can evaluate about ourselves and those who are around us by paying close attention to how we use our tongues.
OUR WORDS REVEAL OUR WAYS: James advises us to exercise the ministry of teaching with fear and trembling because of the many words that teachers must use.  Since every word that we say will be judged; teaching is a very dangerous profession.  The truth is that our words are only a demonstration of the ways of our hearts.  If our hearts are filled with goodness and love for our God, our words will be worshipful.  James tells us that those who are able to control their tongues will be perfect in their ways.  Just as a bit controls a horse and a rudder directs a boat, our words will reveal the ways of our hearts.  Those ways will one day be judged by God when we stand before Him and give an account of our lives and our words.
OUR WORDS REVEAL OUR WANTS: We demonstrate the desires of our hearts through the way we use our words.  Not only do we communicate what we want by the words that we use, but our speech is truly a clear indication of our true passions.  If we desire our own pleasure, power and prestige; we will use our words to tear others down in order to lift ourselves up.  Like a fire our words will lash out to destroy all who are in the path of our own self promotion.  Our words will be wicked and bring about great harm to all who hear them.  Is we desire the glory of God, the growth of the kingdom and the good of all around us; we will use are words to lift God and others high.  Like a cool stream flowing through a blistering hot desert; our words will be an oasis of blessing to all who are around us.  Since our words demonstrate the desire of our hearts; the key to taming the tongue lies in changing the desires of our hearts at the deepest possible level.  Simply learning to “bite our tongues” is not enough; what we really need is a heart transplant.
OUR WORDS REVEAL OUR WISDOM: Wise words are gentle and kind.  They seek to promote peace, are honest, true and full of grace.  Wicked words are harsh and bitter.  They seek to promote self, are angry, jealous and full of lies.  The source of wisdom is from God above.  While the source of wickedness is from our own earthly hearts and is demonic.  Our egotistical agendas produce every king of evil and bad behavior.  However, is our hearts are set on the glory of God and the good of others; we will be pure in our walk and loving in our words.  The irony of it all is that when we seek our own good; we become miserable.  But, when we seek to serve others and worship God; we enjoy a life of intense peace and pleasure.  Selfishness is the ultimate illustration of foolishness while selflessness is the perfect demonstration of God’s wisdom.


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