Genesis 32:1-32

Jacob has resolved his problem with Laban, but now he faces the problems of his past and must face his brother Esau.  Jacob had originally fled to Laban’s home because Esau wanted to kill him.  Two decades have passed and much has changed but Jacob knows what he did in the past and that these conflicts had never been resolved.  We can try to ignore our problems and pretend that they will simply go away, but more often than not they will come back to haunt us and we will have to face them again.  It is far wiser to resolve our difficulties in short order instead of allowing them to fester.  Of course the best solution is to not enter into conflict in the first place.
JACOB FEARS HIS BROTHER: Jacob is literally afraid for his life.  When he sends messengers to let Esau know that his is coming they return without either a good word or a bad word but only that Esau is coming with 400 men in order to meet him.  Jacob must have assumed that the 400 men were coming to attack and it is hard to know if this was not Esau’s intention.  Jacob responds by splitting his company in order to protect at least half of his household alive.  Next Jacob sends a series of very generous gifts to Esau in hopes of quelling his anger.  It may just be that Esau was persuaded to leave the “war path” because of these gifts.  What is important to realize here is that Jacob clearly recognized the fact that he had been in the wrong by deceiving his way into the birthright and the blessing that he gained from Esau.  Jacob knew that amends had to be made and he spared no expense at seeking to make restitution for his failures.  It is easy to justify or try to forget bad behavior from the past, or even to admit guilt and then just expect all consequences to disappear.  Jacob does not do this.  He knows Esau has a right to be angry and seek revenge.  Jacob is humble enough to recognize his sin and then do all in his power to humble himself before the injured party an make every effort to make things right again.  This is a good example for us to follow when we seek restoration from sin.
JACOB FIGHTS FOR BLESSING: Jacob realizes that only twenty years ago he had left this land with only his staff and now he is returning with two companies of people and herds.  He recognizes that God has prospered and blessed him.  He knows he has returned to sacred ground and once again he has an extraordinary meeting with angels as well as what appears to be a manifestation of God in human form.  Jacob is alone for this experience and spends the night wrestling with God in order to secure God’s blessing.  Jacob leaves this encounter with a limp, and new name and a blessing from the most high.  I think it is so important for us to place a high value on the blessing of God in our lives.  Too often we take his blessing for granted, consider it to be our right or we simply plod through life thinking that we are just fine on “our own”.  Jacob is well aware of the fact that he has been greatly blessed by God and he wants more.  God wants us to be passionate about the blessings that He has promised to us.  He wants us to ask Him for them in prayer.  When we “wrestle” with God in our prayers for the blessings that He has promised His children; we, in reality, are worshiping Him by placing a very high value on His blessing.  The “Blesser” is honored when the blessed desire the blessing.


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