Genesis 40:1-23

Sometimes we experience something wonderful simply because we are in the right place at the right time.  Since we rarely are able to figure out where the right place is or when the right time is, it is vital that we learn to trust God who always holds the places and times of our lives in His hands.  Joseph needed to meet a specific person that would be key to his future, and God knew that the place they would be able to meet was in prison.  Sometimes we have a hard time seeing why God would allow certain circumstances in our lives, but we must trust that He knows what He is doing and that He will place us in the right place at the right time.  However we can also observe that Joseph did much do make sure that he was prepared to receive what God had in store.
JOSEPH WAS FAITHFUL: The cup bearer and baker of Pharaoh we place in the same prison as Joseph.  Since Joseph was such a faithful servant, he was put in charge of caring for these very important prisoners.  He went about his tasks with honor and respect and did everything that was entrusted to him with excellence.  We cannot always control the circumstances in which we are called to serve, but we can control the attitude with which we perform our duties.  Joseph could have decided that the dungeon was a place without hope and decided that he would just have to rot down there for the rest of his life.  Instead he faithfully performed his duties with excellence and was gradually given more and more opportunity.  We must always strive to be faithful no matter how difficult or hopeless our circumstances might appear.
JOSEPH WAS CAREFUL: Joseph did not just plow through his daily duties oblivious to the other people that were around him.  He demonstrated genuine concern for the people he served simply by noticing that they were sad and perplexed.  We would not think it strange to find royal servants sad while in prison, but Joseph was observant enough to see that they truly were distressed and he cared enough to ask them why they were feeling this way.  Sometimes we are so focused on our own problems that we never even notice the difficulties that they people around us are facing.  When we do notice that people are having a hard time, we often choose to “mind our own business” and do take the time to demonstrate concern or a willingness to help.  God has not called us to be self absorbed, but wants us to notice the needs of others, seek to meet those needs in any way we can and be available to love those placed in our paths by our sovereign God.
JOSEPH WAS TRUTHFUL: When the officials told him that they had dreams but did not know the interpretation, Joseph did not claim to have some special ability.  Rather, he pointed to the fact that God knows everything and that He could reveal the dreams if He so chose.  We must be careful to be truthful about our own abilities.  We can often be tempted to claim for ourselves abilities that truly only belong to the Lord.  Once Joseph receives from God the interpretation of the dreams, he truthfully conveys the meanings to the officials.  The cup bearer had good news while the bake received bad news.  Joseph did not sugar coat the message or simply tell them what they wanted to hear.  Just because we might not like a message that the Lord calls us to deliver does not mean that we have the right to change that message.  God calls us to be truth tellers.  That will not always be easy or pleasant, but that is who God has called us to be.    


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