Genesis 36:1-43

What stands out to me as I read this chapter is the fact that God knows and is in control of the events on this planet.  There are times when the circumstances of our lives might be such that we could become tempted to doubt this fact about God.  We may think that things should take place differently than they do.  We may even think that we have a better idea of how things should be done.  The truth is that God’s ways are always best and His decisions and determinations are always right.  We may not understand the ways of His choosing, but we are not called to understand.  We are called to trust Him and worship Him no matter what circumstance He allows to come into our lives.  Here are two illustrations of God’s control and knowledge that are evident in this chapter.
GOD RAISED UP NATIONS THROUGH ABRAHAM:  God told Abraham that many nations would come from his descendants.  We can clearly see that Abraham’s sons, his grandsons and his great grandchildren all became nations and leaders of nations.  Some of these nations were the result of sin and we might be tempted to think that things could have been better if these nations had not come into existence.  However, we must remember that God works through the process of conflict and temptation to bring about His will and ultimately His glory.
ESAU WOULD NOT INHERIT THE PROMISED LAND:  As the oldest son of Isaac, we would naturally expect that the promise would have fallen to him or at least been divided between Jacob and Esau.  However, God revealed that this would not be the case prior to their birth.  We may not understand why God decided that things would be this way, but we can clearly see that God knew and was in control of these events.  After Isaac’s death, Jacob and Esau’s possessions are too great for them to continue in the same land.  Esau decides to move away and inhabit land outside of The Promised Land.  There his sons and grandsons become the fathers of many different nations and they become kings.  When we look at the actions and character of Esau, it is easy for us to see why God rejected him.  However, when we look at the actions and character of Jacob, it is hard for us to see why God chose him.  The point is that we should not wonder why some are rejected by God.  Rather, we should stand in awe of the fact that any are chosen by God.  None of us deserve His blessing or to be chosen by Him.  It is only by grace that any are saved.


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