Joshua 21:1-45

When the Lord liberated the children of Israel from Egypt, He made them promises as a nation and gave them clear instructions as to how they were to divide the land and make provision for the Levites who were not given a division of the property.  God had revealed His will through Moses and told them how He wanted to provide for His people and how He expected His people to serve and worship Him.  Though the people were unfaithful at many times along the way, God was always faithful to bring the people into the fulfillment of His promise.  It is a tremendous blessing and assurance for us to know the character of the God that we serve.  He always remains faithful to do just as He says He will do.  We mail fail but He will not.  Our failures may led to very difficult hardship and discipline from the hand of God that could have been avoided through obedience; but that discipline is God’s means of bringing us to a place where He can faithfully and justly fulfill His promises.
GOD IS FAITHFUL TO PROVIDE PROPERTY FOR THE LEVITES: Since the Levites were responsible to lead the entire nation in worship, they were not given their own section.  Instead, they were spread evenly throughout the land and would be represented in every tribe.  This was the plan that God revealed through Moses when they left Egypt.  For many years this plan seemed to be rather pointless since there was no land to divide as they were wandering through the wilderness.  However, God had been faithful to not only bring the people to the land but also to conquer the land and its inhabitants to the point that there were now many cities all over Israel that could be given to the Levites.  We can perceive the centrality of worship in the nation of Israel and the heart of God.  No matter how busy our lives may be, we must always remember that worship must be central to our lives and that we must be willing to give of our resources in order to support those who lead us in worship.
GOD IS FAITHFUL TO PROVIDE PEACE IN HIS LAND: God used Joshua and his leadership to bring about the things that He had promised to the children of Israel through both Abraham and Moses.  Every promise of God had been fulfilled to this point, so there is every reason to believe that every future promise that God has made will also be fulfilled.  It is vital that we look to God as a keeper of His promises.  This will fill our hearts with hope when we get discouraged and give us a reason to be faithful in the face of adversity.  God has made many promises to those who believe.  He has also promised to richly reward those who faithfully serve Him.  We can be assured that He will fulfill all of His promises.  These promises must be anchors in our souls in the face of suffering and trials and they must become great motivation for faithfulness in the face of temptation to sin.  God’s faithfulness should always spur us on to faithfulness.


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