Judges 6:1-40

Gideon is a prime example of how God loves to show Himself strong by using the weak of this world to do extraordinary things.  Gideon was not the strongest, bravest or even the most faithful man in Israel.  Yet in God’s sovereignty, He called Gideon to be a powerful leader and empowered him to do some of the most amazing things as a leader in Israel.  When God gives us an opportunity to serve Him, we should not be so concerned about our own abilities; rather we should focus on the greatness of the One who has called us.  Here are a few principles that stick out in my mind from this chapter.

GOD KNOWS AND CARES ABOUT OUR NEEDS: The children of Israel once again found themselves in desperate conditions because of their unfaithfulness.  Because they had followed idols the Midianites had overpowered them and were taking all of their crops.  The people would work hard to plant their crops only to see them taken by this powerful nation.  Israel ended up having to harvest their crops early and at night in order to hide some food in the caves so that they would not starve to death.  This is a terrible way for the children of God to live, but it is what happens when God’s children disobey.  God in His grace and mercy decides to deliver Israel and chooses Gideon to provide relief to the people as well as lead them to repent of their idolatry.  God knows us and loves us and has promised to do what needs to be done in order to bring us into a right relationship with Him.

GOD CALLS AND EMPOWERS THE WEAK: Gideon is in the process of hiding food for his family when God calls him to deliver the people from idolatry and the Midianites.  Gideon was not from a powerful or influential family; nor was he a brave man by nature.  Gideon was anxious to know God, was humble before God and wanted to have assurance that God was with him.  He recognized his own weakness and had a hard time believing that God would actually choose to use him, but once he was convinced of God’s blessing and presence, he was willing to move forward.  God used this timid man who was hiding food to tear down the altar used for idolatry and make a sacrifice to the Lord.  Before God could free Israel from Midian, He had to free them from Idolatry.  Gideon shows extreme courage and bravery once he was convinced of God’s calling in his life.  God prefers to use those who are humble and dependant as opposed to those who are proud and self-sufficient.

GOD HEARS AND ANSWERS OUR PRAYERS: Once Gideon proved himself faithful at the first task, God called him to an even greater task of leading the people to freedom from Midian.  Once again, Gideon is fearful and wants to have confirmation from God.  He uses the famous fleece test to gain assurance.  I believe that God was gracious to grant these requests to Gideon; however, I do not believe that this is what God wanted Gideon to do.  I don’t think the Gideon set a good example for us here and that we need to ask for supernatural confirmation on every decision that we make.  God heard Gideon and He answered him because He is a gracious God who knows all about our fears, limitations and weaknesses.  We must be careful to trust God and do our best not to test God.


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