Joshua 24:1-33

As we close out the book of Joshua today, we see one of the few men in Scripture about whom we really see very little sin recorded.  In fact the only things that the Scripture reveal about him that could be considered as sinful are: that he did not consult God prior to attacking Ai or before making a treaty with the Gibeonites.  He is now ready to die, but before he goes he wants to challenge the people one more time and urge them to live faithfully before the Lord.  Joshua was a great leader who was used by God to conquer the land that God had promised to His children so many generations ago.  In this last act of leadership Joshua does three things that are important for every leader to do as a service to the people over whom God has placed him.
REHEARSE THE WORKS OF GOD BEFORE THE PEOPLE: As one of Joshua’s last acts on this earth, he calls the people together and rehearses all of the works of God before the people.  He starts with the call of Abraham and goes quickly through all that God had done up until the present time.  One of the key functions of leadership is to not allow the people to forget the works of the Lord.  People have a tendency to live exclusively in the present moment.  We easily forget the blessing of the past and we often ignore the consequences that our present actions might bring in the future.  The godly leader will regularly and faithfully remind his people of all that they Lord has done.  Remembering God’s many blessings of the past is vital to being able to live faithfully in the present.
REQUIRE THE WORSHIP OF GOD BY THE PEOPLE: Joshua then requires his people to make a commitment to worship God and God alone.  He makes it clear that they people have a choice.  They can either worship God or they can choose to follow the gods of Abraham before God called him; or they can follow the gods of the people of Canaan.  The point is that they must make a choice.  Joshua sets the tone by making it clear that this is not a democracy, but that he has already made his choice, but he requires the people to make their choice as well.  Good leaders will call their people to obedience, set a good example and then require that they commit to a decision.  We all choose who or what we will worship and we cannot worship a variety of gods.  True worship will always be exclusive.  If God is God than He requires that we worship Him and Him alone.  We must faithfully call people to make this choice.
REPRESENT THE WORD OF GOD BESIDE THE PEOPLE: Finally, Joshua leaves a written testament before the people to represent the commitment that the people had made before God.  He wants to be sure that long after he is gone that his people will have a reminder to the promises that they had made before God.  A good leader has the insight and vision to look to the future and do all he can to insure that his people will remain faithful long after he is gone.  Our lives should leave a legacy that future generations will know and strive to follow.  Certainly this was true of Joshua’s life.  The people were faithful under Joshua’s leadership and remained faithful for as long as the people who knew Joshua were alive.  His life and leadership left a lasting imprint on all who knew him and continues to impact our lives today through the Word of God that records the life of this great man of God.  May we faithfully imitate his leadership, demonstrate his character and follow in his footsteps.


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