1 Samuel 3:1-20

Transitions in leadership are usually very hard, but they are also very necessary, especially when a leader is not doing his job or is violating the teachings of God’s Word.  In the case of Eli he was being negligent with his job and his sons were blaspheming the name of the Lord.  A change in direction and leadership was desperately needed, and God had already set in motion the process for the new leader to be prepared.  This is one more illustration of how God really is the one who sets leaders up and takes them down according to His will and desire.  We must always remember that we can trust the Lord do what is right in the leadership of His people.

GOD REVEALS HIMSELF TO SAMUEL: Samuel had been in the temple serving and had demonstrated himself to be a faithful and responsible young man.  He was quick to serve Eli in whatever was required.  He shows a great deal of respect on obedience as he quickly responds to what he thinks is the call of Eli from his sleep.  The passage begins by telling us that the word of God was rare in this day as He would not reveal Himself to the perverse family of Eli.  Samuel is not aware of God’s voice at this time, but Eli recognizes that it must have been God speaking to Samuel so Samuel finally seeks to hear the Lord.  God reveals Himself to Samuel and the message is not a pleasant one; rather, it is a message of judgment on the family of Eli that will bring him down to the grave.  God’s Word is not always what we want to hear, but it is what we need to hear.  We must not go to God’s Word in search of only comfort and encouragement; God’s Word is also faithful to rebuke and correct us so that we might be restored through repentance. 

GOD REMOVES HIMSELF FROM ELI: Unfortunately, Eli has ignored God’s warnings so long and neglected his duty to restrain his children, that the day of repentance has passed and all that is left for him is judgment and condemnation.  He has long since ceased to hear the voice of God or be oriented by the Spirit; so much so that the book begins with him mistaking a praying Hannah for a drunk.  Not only has he lost his discernment of spiritual things, he has also failed to discipline his children and bring them to a place of repentance or punish them according to the severity of their sin.  This is the job of every parent; to instruct their children, all them to repent when they fail and to punish them when they rebel from the instruction of the Lord.  “The way of the transgressor is hard,” but Eli has made it easy on them.  The situation has gone beyond the hope of restoration and God has decided to bring His judgment down on this family.  Those who minister have a great responsibility before the Lord.  When ministers rebel they will suffer a greater and harsher judgment than any other person.  May God spare us from such a terrible plight!  


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