Judges 20:1-40

Civil was in Israel is the result of the sin in Benjamin and the indignation of the other tribes in Israel.  This was happens as a result of the immorality and pride of the people that brought about a refusal to repent.  The war was costly to both sides, but in ended up devastating the tribe of Benjamin.  We keep expecting something different to happen in this story than that which actually happened.  This is yet another illustration that we can choose whether or not we will sin, but we cannot choose what the consequences of that sin will be.

BENJAMIN DEFEATS ISRAEL IN BATTLE: Despite being outnumbered by a huge amount, the tribe of Benjamin and its mighty warriors defeat the rest of the tribes of Israel in the first two days of battle.  Israel is devastated by this and inquired of the Lord if they should continue to go forward and the Lord assures them that He wants them to continue to the fight against Benjamin.  Even when our cause is just, we can expect opposition and things will not always go the way that we expect them to.  This truly is a no win situation where we have civil war within Israel due to the hardness of their hearts and the sinfulness that they have proliferated.

BENJAMIN IS DESTROYED BY ISRAEL IN THE END: Finally, Israel prevails and the tribe of Benjamin is basically annihilated.  Things did not have to be this way.  If only the people would have obeyed God in the first place.  If only they had repented when the recognized the error of their way.  Unfortunately they were stubborn in their sin and refused to humble themselves before God and they paid a terrible price.  We must seek to learn from this example.  We cannot think that we can live in sin and just go on with life.  When we do sin, we must be quick to admit it, confess it and repent from it so we can avoid as many of the consequences of sin as possible.  Unfortunately we continue to see people living in rebellion against God who refuse to humble themselves and we ultimately face the judgment of God.


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