Ruth 4:1-22

The hand of God works in strange and amazing ways.  Naomi came back to Israel without hope and thought that her life was over.  God uses Ruth and her relationship to Boaz to give her great joy and purpose to where she is more greatly blessed than she was when she had her husband and sons.  Our lives may be marked by painful and confusing events that we cannot explain, but we must trust that God is in control and is at work to accomplish His will in and through our lives.  He does not call us to understand His ways; He calls us to trust His wisdom.

BOAZ BECOMES THE REDEEMER: Since Boaz was not the closest relative, he could not simply redeem Ruth until the one who was first in line gave up that right.  Boaz makes this offer clear in front of the key leaders of the community so there can be no doubt as to his honor and intentions.  It is very important to do things the right way.  God calls us to follow Him and obey His Word, this will require that we be honest and transparent and not try to just “make do” by sneaking around.  Marriage is a difficult relationship when everything is right, so we need to make every effort to do things the right way by having the blessing of parents and community in order to help the relationship be blessed and a blessing to others.

RUTH RECEIVES A SON: Ruth and Boaz are married and they soon have a son.  They name the son Obed who is the grandfather of David, the second king of Israel and the genealogy from which Christ, the true Redeemer, would come.  Ruth was a Moabite woman who did not even know God until her mother-in-law introduced her to the truth.  Ruth trusted God and was faithful to love and serve Naomi as an act of worship to the Lord and she was honored by that and chosen to be part of the line from which God would send the Messiah.  God is able to use people from very different walks of life to accomplish His will and desire in our lives.

NAOMI NURSES A GRANDSON: Naomi was at the brink of a break down at the beginning of this book from all of the pain and suffering she had to bear.  Her husband and sons had both died, but her son’s wife Ruth had been faithful to her and promised to stay with her and serve her as long as she lived.  God blessed Naomi through Ruth and she not only has the protection of her new son-in-law; but she had a grandson who can carry on the family name and whom God has chosen to use in a special way.  This little boy would be part of God’s plan to bring Christ to this earth and Naomi gets to be his nurse.  God truly can bring about joy from the pain of tragedy.  We must learn to trust Him through the difficult circumstances of our lives.


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