1 Samuel 20:1-42

Friendship is a blessing from God and can be used to help encourage and protect us.  The friendship between Jonathan and David is clearly from God and is evidence of the character of both men.  Jonathan has more reason then Saul to want David dead because it is obvious that Jonathan knows that David will be then next king and not himself.  David has every reason to distrust Jonathan for this same reason, but it is clear that both men are loyal to one another and recognize that God is behind what is going on their lives.  The both trust what God is doing and are determined to be loyal to Him and to one another.  Certainly our friendships should be centered on the will and work of God in our lives and not our own agendas.  We should not use our friendships for self promotion or interest but we must focus upon the kingdom of God and how our relationships can bring glory to Him.

DAVID CONVINCES JONATHAN OF SAUL’S ATTEMPTS: It must have been hard for David to have to tell his best friend about the sins of his father.  Jonathan does not want to believe David, but in his heart he knows that David would not be making this up.  The last time they had spoken of this subject Jonathan had convinced Saul to bring David back, but things have gone downhill from there.  Jonathan believes David and agrees to intercede on his behalf again to find out how Saul was feeling.  Jonathan blesses David and asks David to remember him and his family when God establishes David as king.  Jonathan knows what God has chosen to do because of his father’s failings and he has accepted it as from the hand of God and he loves David because they both have a passion to please God in their lives.

JONATHAN CONFIRMS TO DAVID SAUL’S INTENT: As was planned, Jonathan goes to the monthly feast with his father and defends David’s absence saying that he had excused David.  Saul becomes livid and tries to kill Jonathan because he can tell that Jonathan is protecting David.  As they had agreed, Jonathan warns David that his fears of Saul are well founded and the two friends cry together as the embrace and go their separate ways.  We are often required to spend time away from our friends and people may come and go in our lives.  However, we must take full advantage of our friendships to help one another grow in Christ and to do the work that Christ has called us to accomplish.


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