1 Samuel 8:1-22

We all have a tendency to want to “belong” or be like those who are around us.  In this case the nation of Israel wants to be like the other nations and have a King instead of a Judge that had been appointed and established by God.  This was a direct rejection of what God had established as His form of leadership for the nation of Israel, but He permitted it as it apparently was part of His plan for the future, the problem was that the people were asking for a king before the Lord desired to establish a king in Israel.  It is a dangerous thing to run ahead of God.  However, there are several factors that contributed to this failure on their part.

UNFAITHFULNESS OF THE CURRENT LEADERSHIP: A big part of the problem was the nation’s dissatisfaction with the new leadership that Samuel tried to establish in his sons.  Samuel had not raised them properly and they did not have the same character that he had demonstrated.  They took advantage of their position and accepted bribes.  They were not as perverse as Eli’s sons, but they were not following in the steps of their father and they did not have the same fear of the Lord.  Weak leadership is a very dangerous thing and has grave consequences.  Samuel was a man of God but apparently failed as a father and then did not recognize his failing and tried to put his sons in a place of leadership for which they were spiritually unqualified.  Leaders must recognize that their first responsibility is to be faithful to lead in their own home and not become so involved in ministry that they fail to disciple their own children.

UNWILLINGNESS TO LISTEN TO GOD’S WARNINGS: God was displeased with Israel’s request because He wanted to be King in Israel.  The Lord told Samuel as much and had Samuel warn the people of how the king would be and the price that they would have to pay not only financially, but sacrificing members of their own households to the whims of a human king.  No matter how much Samuel warned the people, they still insisted on having a king.  It is sad when God warns us so faithfully but we refuse to listen and continue to follow our own way.  Things will go much better in our lives if we listen to the Lord and heed His warnings.  He is always right and desires what is best for us.  There are dreadful consequences to ignoring the warnings of the Lord.

UNRIGHTEOUS DESIRE TO BE LIKE OTHER NATIONS: The biggest problem here is in the heart of the nation of Israel that simply wants to be like the other nations.  They must have thought that this would give them the respect that they needed to be recognized as a nation.  But God does not want for His people to be like the rest of the world.  He wants us to be different.  He calls us to a life of godliness and separation so that we can walk with Him, serve Him and obey Him along every step of the path on which He is leading us.  That path rarely is similar to that of the world which surrounds us.  We may feel more comfortable “fitting in” with the world, but God does not call us to a life of comfort, He calls us to a life of holiness.


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