1 Samuel 23:1-29

We would normally say that the enemy of my enemy is my friend.  However, in this circumstance it appears that Saul is very far from normal.  David and Saul have a common enemy in the Philistines, but no matter how faithful and valiant David is in defeating the Philistines, Saul continues to try to kill David.  Saul is blinded by his hatred and cannot seem to see that he is not only fighting against the Philistines and David but he is fighting against the very hand of God.  We must learn to seek out what God is doing in this world and then do all we can to cooperate with His work.  Instead we often get so wrapped up in our own agendas that we lose sight of God and His will.

DAVID DELIVERS KEILAH FROM THE PHILISTINES: David continues to demonstrate his loyalty to God and the nation of Israel by going out and fighting against the Philistines.  David is safely hidden away from Saul where he is; however, when he hears about the plight of the city of Keilah he wants to go protect them.  David’s first course of action is to seek God as to whether or not he should do this, but once he has this confirmation, he springs into action and God gives him the victory over the Philistines.  David is clearly more concerned about the will and work of God than he is about his own comfort and well being.  We must always recognize that the will of God is our priority and be willing to make any sacrifice, even or own safety, in order to cooperate with the work of God.

SAUL DESCENDS ON KEILAH TO DESTROY DAVID: When Saul hears about David’s victory, he does not stop to recognize the hand of God with David or David’s loyalty to the nation.  The only thing that Saul can think about is killing David.  Jonathan has already recognized that David will be king and he promises his loyalty to David.  It is Jonathan’s plan to serve under David’s command.  Saul will have nothing of what God has revealed; he is much more concerned with his won power than he is with the plan of God for the nation.  Saul is prepared to destroy the city that David just spared in order to capture David.  We must always make sure to set our agendas or adjust them according to the will of God.  When we are wrapped up in our own agendas, we can easily be blinded to the desires of God.

GOD DISTRACTS SAUL FROM DAVID WITH THE PHILISTINES: David is able to escape from Saul and is once again running from Saul.  Since David has been exposed, Saul is able to trek him down and has his sights set on his capture and destruction.  David realizes that he is trapped and cries out to the Lord for help.  God steps in and distracts Saul from chasing David through an attack by the Philistines.  It is too bad that Saul did not recognize that he is chasing the best general in his own army and ask for David’s help in this matter.  However, Saul does at least have the good sense to give the proper priority to defending the nation over his pet project of chasing David.  With God there are no coincidences.  God was protecting David through the Philistines.  We can rest and trust in God no matter how desperate our situation might become. 


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