2 Samuel 17:1-29

It is a comfort to see the protecting hand of God at work in David’s life, even while he is being disciplined.  Much of what David was going through was simply part of the discipline that God had given to David because of his sin with Bathsheba.  However, it is very clear that God is still protecting David from Absalom and any other enemies he might face.  It is nice to know that even when God must chastise us because of our sin; He is still gracious, loving, merciful and all powerful to be able to protect us from any harm that might come our way that is beyond His plan for our discipline.  Even in the midst of pain, hardship or discipline we can trust God.
GOD CONFUSES THE COUNSEL OF AHITHOPHEL: Ahithophel had been a brilliant counselor in matters of war for David and now for Absalom.  David knew this, so he asked for Hushai to stay behind and try to confuse Ahithophel’s counsel as well as keep David informed of what Absalom was planning.  The strategy worked.  Ahithophel tells Absalom to send him and a relatively small group of soldiers who can quickly catch up to David and then simply perform an execution of David alone.  He knows that once David is dead, the rest of the people will flee and Absalom’s kingdom will be established.  David’s men will become Absalom’s men and the throne will be secure.  This time, by God’s grace, Absalom asks for Hushai’s advice as well.  He tells Absalom to wait until David “cools off” and until Absalom has a huge army that can just go out and destroy David and all his men.  The choice is between a quick precision strike and a long and large battle.  Absalom foolishly chooses the later.  This is a clear demonstration of God’s protection.
GOD CONCEALS THE COURIERS OF HUSHAI: Hushai send word to David of the plans that are forming, but his messengers are spotted.  Once again God provides for their safety and ensures that the message gets to David by providing a woman who hides these messengers in a well.  David must feel completely and totally rejected by his family, his people and by God for that matter.  However, it is clear that this is not the case.  There are many people who continue to be loyal to David and God is clearly at work to protect David.  We can trust God to provide the protection that He wants us to have in order for His will to be accomplished in and through our lives.  Even when we feel like the world is against us, it is important to remember that God is in control and able to deliver us according to His will.
GOD CONFIRMS HIS CARE OF DAVID: David and his men are able to escape over the Jordan River and when they arrive, God sends men who are loyal to David that provide them with shelter and food.  What an encouragement it must have been for David and his men to have these basic needs provided for them while they were on the run.  I am sure that they were exhausted and famished, but God knew that already and was there to make provision for them through the people that were loyal to the King.  We are never alone and can count on God’s care and provision.  It is a comfort to know that God uses people to provide for His children.  There are times when we will benefit from this type of provision, but there are also times when God would use us and our resources to make provision for other people.  We must be attentive to see how God desires to both bless us as well as use us to bless others; both are great privileges from God. 


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