2 Samuel 20:1-26

Loyalty is a very hard quality to find.  David has several people that have been loyal to him, but he just cannot seem to keep the nation together.  He has just returned to Jerusalem after the rebellion of Absalom and now Sheba sets out to start another division in the nation.  This is part of God’s punishment of David that war will not pass from his house, but it sure must have gotten hard for David to live under this type of constant pressure and division.  The price of sin is very steep.

SHEBA DIVIDES THE KINGDOM: Israel had been complaining that they were not called to celebrate David’s return.  This as soon as Sheba stands up to lead a rebellion against David; Israel is quick to follow.  Judah was faithful to David, but Israel has been wishy washy from almost the start.  Once again David finds himself with a divided kingdom.  He decides to send his new general out to take Sheba out so he tells Amasa to go out and recruit an army from Judah.  However, when he delays David sends Joab’s brother Abishai out after Sheba.  David is being much more decisive now and is determined to unite the kingdom.  Passivity in leadership is not good thing.

JOAB IS DETERMINED TO LEAD: Joab goes out with his brother after Sheba but when he meets David’s new general on the road, Joab decides to kill him.  Joab is a ruthless man who is determined to remain in power no matter what the cost.  He has repeatedly killed men in cold blood in order to retain his position.  He is very loyal to David as king and has done much to keep David in power, but he is very quick to take matters into his own hands.  Now that Joab is back in charge, he sets out to destroy Sheba.

SHEBA IS DECAPITATED BY A WOMAN:  Joab chased Sheba into a town and was about to tear down the wall of the town in order to kill Sheba and end the rebellion.  A wise woman asked Joab why he would destroy the entire town for the life of one man.  Joab strikes a deal that he will preserve the town in exchange for Sheba’s head.  The woman convinces the people to give Sheba up in order to save the city and the rebellion is over.  Sometimes it takes a wise person to step up and be able to restore peace.  Courage and wisdom are qualities that are essential to leadership.


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