Jeremiah 17:1-27

Disappointment is one of the saddest feelings we will ever experience.  As much as we might try to curb our expectations in life; we all end up having certain expectations we hope will be realized.  All too often we find ourselves falling far short of those expectations and being overcome with disappointment.  As believers we can be assured that disappointment will not our final feeling because our eternal dwelling will far exceed any of our expectations.  However, while we are on earth we run the risk of feeling bitter disappointment because are sinful hearts can easily expect and desire that which is not best for the kingdom of God.  The greatest sorrow is the reality of all who do not trust the Lord and place all their hope in false gods who only lead to earthly disappointment and eternal destruction.

DECEITFUL HEARTS WILL DISAPPOINT US: When our trust is misplaced disappointment will inevitably follow.  Judah had placed her trust in idols.  The heritage of idolatry was passed from generation to generation to the point that the children had only memories of altars to false gods.  The expectations that these false gods had any power to deliver them from their enemies would only lead to disappointment.  They were about to be dragged away in slavery because they placed their trust in that which is false.  When men trust themselves they will be unproductive and end up withering away into nothingness.  When men trust in God they are fruitful and have no reason to fear.  Our problem is our hearts naturally deceive us into trusting ourselves and others instead of God.  The Lord knows the reality of our innermost thoughts and motives and we will find ourselves being profoundly disappointed by our own stupidity if we fail to trust Him.  On the other hand, God will faithfully deliver us from the evils of this world and the terror of eternal judgment if we will simply trust Him and not our own deceptive hearts.

DISOBEDIENT HANDS WILL DISAPPOINT US: God has made His will very clear to His people in His Word.  There are things He expects us to do and things He prohibits us from doing.  When we chose to rebel against His will it is inevitable that we will experience disappointment.  God had told His people not to work on the Sabbath but to set it aside for the purpose of rest and worship.  This was a physical means of demonstrating trust in God.  We often wonder what the big deal was about picking up sticks on Saturday.  Jesus showed us that it was not really about picking up sticks but the real issue was the heart.  When they chose to work on Saturday instead of worship they revealed a complete lack of trust in God.  Disobedience is, at the heart, distrust.  Resting on Saturday was a physical demonstration of their trust in God to provide for their needs apart from their own work.  God is not a promoter of laziness.  He wants us to exercise diligent confidence in Him.  Hard work couple with self-confidence is a recipe for disappointment.  The people refused to obey God because they refused to trust Him so they decided to place their trust in self and just keep on working through the Sabbath.  The result was profound disappointment as they were being drug through the fields in which they were picking up sticks as slaves to foreign lands and in eternity separation from God.  


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