Jeremiah 30:1-24

God is faithful to His children and to His own Word.  When God makes a promise we can be assured that He will keep it.  From our perspective there will be times where it looks like God has forgotten us or failed to do what He promised to do; but this is only a temporary perception and only from our perspective.  God will do things in ways we do not understand and cannot comprehend but we must never allow this to cause our faith to flounder or lose hope.  Finally Jeremiah is allowed to give a message of good news.  Even though Judah and Israel have been disobedient and are now in a long captivity and exile, Jeremiah is able to deliver a message of hope and assurance that they will be set free and God’s promises to them through their forefathers will be fulfilled.

THE LORD WILL RESTORE ISRAEL AND JUDAH: God has made unconditional promises to the nation of Israel.  He promised to give them a land in which they would dwell in peace forever.  He promised a King that would rule with justice.  He promised a new heart that would delight in His Word.  He had also made conditional promises with the warning of judgment for disobedience.  He promised there would be captivity and the land would become desolate as a result of disobedience.  He promised war, famine and pestilence if the people worshiped false gods.  God fully intends to keep both promises.  Just because God keeps the second promise in no way means He has forgotten or will not keep the first promise.  Jeremiah assures Israel and Judah that the day is coming when God will restore them to their land and provide a King to rule over them with justice.  God has not forgotten His promises and we can rest in that glorious truth.

THE LORD WILL REMOVE THE NATIONS: God has used very ungodly and idolatrous nations to judge and discipline Israel and Judah.  These nations do not enjoy the same promise of restoration as Israel.  Many nations have risen and fallen out of existence because God has willed it to be so.  One of the reasons God used these pagan nations to judge Israel was so He could judge them when Israel as released from captivity.  God promises they will be utterly destroyed and wiped of the face of the earth.  To Judah and Israel God made the sure promise that they would be disciplined severely for their disobedience and idolatry; but this is a means of Him bringing His children to the point of repentance so He could bring about their restoration.  God would reprove the nation of Israel but would remove the godless nations who were used by Him to judge His children.  No matter how difficult the circumstances of our lives might become, we can rest in the assurance of God’s provision and His faithfulness to His own Word and promises.  


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