Jeremiah 27:1-22

God’s sovereign control over the nations is a very evident reality demonstrated very clearly in this chapter of Scripture.  God told Jeremiah His plan to bring a multitude of nations under the rule of Babylon for three generations and then God would judge Babylon and rise up another nation to judge her.  This was God’s determination and history shows us that is exactly what happened.  We can take great comfort in this fact as we see the history of the world taking shape.  There are wars and tragedies all around us but we know God is in control and He will work all of things out according to His sovereign plan.

WE CAN REST IN GOD’S PLANS: God made it very clear that Israel and the surrounding nations would be conquered by Nebuchadnezzar.  Jeremiah called the rulers of these nations together and simply informed them of this fact and warned them not to try to thwart this reality.  Those nations who would not surrender would end up being destroyed by war and disease.  When God’s Word and will is made clear our only response is to trust in His sovereign plan.  We can take comfort and rest in the assurance that He truly is in control.

WE MUST REJECT MAN’S LIES: Jeremiah’s message was not a popular one and it was not in agreement with what the false prophets were saying.  These false prophets were proclaiming their own will as if it were God’s will.  They tried to convince their leaders that God would not allow the captivity and that they would be secure in their lands.  This message was certainly more palatable and in line with what the people would expect.  However, it was not a message from God.  People will often point to the love of God as a reason not to fear His judgment.  This skewed message is very popular, but it must be rejected because it is not what God has plainly revealed.  As messengers of God we must boldly proclaim God’s revelation and not our own wishful thinking.


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