Amos 3:1-15

God will do what He says He will do.  He does not make false warnings or veiled threats; but He does warn the people of His wrath to come so they might repent and turn to the Lord.  People often are lulled into a false sense of security, thinking that they can continue to walk in sin without any consequences from the Lord.  God’s patience is often misinterpreted as God’s lack of ability to judge the earth.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  God has repeatedly judged the earth as well as the individual sins of men and nations.  His Word is full of warnings and the workings of His wrath have been repeatedly revealed on the earth.  Israel was about to experience this reality so God faithfully lets them know of the coming judgment.   

GOD’S WORDS OF WARNING: God established a unique and covenant relationship with His people Israel when He established them through Abraham and He demonstrated His commitment to that covenant by setting them free from Egypt.  They were favored by God with clear revelation of His will.  However, they refused to follow His Word and rebelled against God in sin.  Now they were going to pay the price of their disobedience.  God gives Amos these words of warning to try to wake the people from the spiritual slumber and their sin.  God had established fellowship with Israel.  Now like a Lion roaring He is warning them of His coming judgment.  God will set a snare for the nation of Israel and they will fall into that trap like an unsuspecting bird.  The trumpet of war shall sound and the people will be overcome with fear.  God is faithful to warn us of His coming judgment.  None will be able to say that they did not know of God’s coming wrath.  God called Amos to make these words known just like He calls all who know the Lord to proclaim the coming judgment of God on all of mankind.  God has let us know of His plans it is our job to let the world know of God’s wrath to come.

GOD’S WORKS OF WRATH: God will keep His Word and the works of His wrath will fall on the people of Israel.  Egypt and the surrounding nations will observe as God’s people are destroyed and taken captive.  The people will be oppressed in the cities and in the fields.  They have been rebellious and do not know how to do what is right before the Lord and according to His Word.  They may be trusting in their strongholds but God will tear them down.  Israel’s enemy will surround the land and they people will be left without defenses.  All they have will be stripped away because of their rebelliousness and sin.  However, just as a shepherd may recover part of a lamb from the mouth of a lion.  God will save a remnant of people from the land.  Even though the people will not be completely destroyed, they will be judged very severely.  All of the altars they have built will be destroyed.  All of the homes, great and small will be torn down.  When God’s wrath comes to the earth there is no way of escape no matter who we are.  The only means available to be set free from God’s wrath is through faith in the work of Jesus on the cross for us.  All who reject that message and continue to live in sin will experience first-hand the works of God’s wrath.


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