Amos 9:1-15

Amos closes his book with two very distinct promises.  One is a promise of destruction the other of restoration.  It is a very dangerous thing to continue in sin as God’s wrath is full and complete.  God is faithful to keep His promises to the nation of Israel and will continue to fulfill them in the time that He has determined.  However, the generations who have rejected Him and trusted in their own holiness and followed after false gods are forever lost and without hope.  Every individual responds before God regardless of nationality.  We can all take God’s warning of judgment seriously and we can all find hope in God’s promises if we trust Christ.

A PROMISE OF DESTRUCTION: Amos sees a vision of the Lord beside the altar making a declaration of destruction on the nation of Israel.  He promises to wage war on the cities of the nation and kill the inhabitants both on the inside and the outside of the cities.  There will be no place to hide from the wrath of God.  From the pit of hell to the highest heaven God is in control and has determined to judge.  There is no way to hide from God.  He is on the highest mountain and at the lowest depth of the ocean.  There is no way to flee from God’s presence and escape from His wrath.  His judgment is fierce and complete.  He controls every aspect of this planet from the flow of the rivers, the rains that fall and the tide of the sea.  God had blessed the nation of Israel with liberty and security but they spurned God’s blessings and turned from Him.  God has promised to judge this world and will destroy all the sinful nations on this planet.

A PROMISE OF RESTORATION: There is hope for restoration.  God proclaims that the destruction of Israel will not be complete or permanent.  He still has a plan for His people and He will still be faithful to His promises.  God will judge the nation but He will separate her out of all the other nations, even though many people will die.  God will once again look with favor on the nation and he will repair the broken and transform the hearts.  There are glorious days ahead where there will be abundant provision for the land in supernatural ways.  The cities will be rebuilt and they will be able to live in those places securely.  The will have prosperity and supernatural protection from the Lord.  The Lord still has a promise for His people and one day they will inherit the land they were promised and will dwell there in complete security without fear and will not be taken away ever again.  God is always faithful even when we are not.


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