Obadiah 1:1-21

Obadiah is the shortest book in the Old Testament and his message is directed at Edom who are the descendants of Esau.  We are accustomed to the prophets speaking to the nation of Israel, but this book is a little different.  Edom had been a threat to Israel from the very beginning.  Even though there may not have been very much outright aggression against Israel; Edom was not an allay either.  The two nations had been at odds since the time of Jacob and Esau and the rivalry only intensified with the passing of each generation.  God intends to judge Edom and sends Obadiah not only to warn them but also to comfort Israel from their fears of being attacked and overrun by this neighboring nation.

THE EXPECTATION OF JUDGMENT ON EDOM: God has determined to judge the nation of Edom.  They were a strong nation that lived in a very secure location.  They saw themselves as eagles soaring in the skies and nesting on the top of a high mountain.  They did not consider the possibility that they could be defeated and brought down to destruction.  They had become allies of the nations around them.  They considered themselves to be strong and wise so they took on an air of invincibility.  God was not pleased with this pride and wanted to let the nation know that they would soon fall from their security and fall into destruction.  God has always been faithful to warn people of coming judgment in time for them to be able to repent and avoid that judgment.  Unfortunately, most nations and individuals choose to ignore these warnings and simply continue on their paths of pride that lead them straight to punishment.

THE EXPLANATION OF JUDGMENT ON EDOM: Not only does God tell the nation that they will be judged but He also explains to them exactly why they will fall under His condemnation.  The sin of pride has already been mentioned, but there are other reasons as well.  Edom was guilty of rejoicing over the invasion of Israel.  They hated Israel and knew well enough not to go into outright war with their neighbors but they were also not going to help them either.  They rejoiced and the sorrow of the people who were supposed to be like brothers.  This selfish attitude and prideful heart would lead them to destruction.  As time went on and Israel became more and more vulnerable; Edom began to be violent and made threats and small invasions of Israel.  God would not tolerate this and determined to destroy this nation.  We should never take pleasure in the misfortunes of others.  God calls us to rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep.  Loyalty is an important virtue for all to learn and practice.

THE EXALTATION OF ISRAEL OVER EDOM: God promises to deliver Israel from the hand of Edom and instructs Edom that their only hope of survival is to seek for forgiveness from the God of Israel.  God’s promise of forgiveness of sin would come through the nation of Israel and not Edom.  God is planning a time when the land of Edom would become the land of Israel and where all the people of the earth will seek God through the nation of Israel.  This seems to be a clear indication of the coming of Jesus and Messiah and King.  Edom and all nations have only one hope and that is through the Lord Jesus Christ who came through the nation of Israel and will once again return to this earth to establish and everlasting kingdom.   God will keep all of His promises even though things may look hopeless at times; we can trust the Lord at all times and in every way.


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