Introduction to Micah

Micah, like so many of the prophets writes during the period right before Israel would fall to Assyria and during a time of prosperity in Judah.  Micah’s main message is to Judah where he lived but he also has a brief message to Israel about what will happen to them very shortly.  The book is divided into three sections that all start with the command to “hear” the word that God was about to reveal.  Each section is directed at a different group of people.  He speaks to his generation, the generation to come and finally to a generation far in the future.  His message to each generation is very similar.  He begins by pointing out their disobedience and warning them of the consequences of this disobedience but he always closes each section with a work of hope for the people.  God will judge just as He has promised, but He will also forgive and restore just as He has promised.  We can trust God to keep His Word but we must also recognize that He is never afraid to judge those who disobey.

CURRENT JUDGMENT AND HOPE FOR THIS GENERATION: Micah tells both the city of Samaria as well as the nation of Judah that they are about to come under the judgment of God.  Their sinfulness has come before the Lord and He will tolerate it no longer.  Most prophets condemn the idolatry that was prevalent in both nations but Micah gives an emphasis to another area of sinfulness.  Because of the prosperity in the land of Judah many of the families of the nation had become very wealthy and were greatly blessed.  The problem was that these wealthy families were not using their wealth to bless others; instead they were oppressing the poor.  God does not tolerate this kind of selfish oppression.  God blesses so that we can be a blessing to others.  However, when we use God’s blessing without regard for the needs of others; that blessing may just turn into a curse.  Micah warns the people not to listen to the soothing messages of the false prophets but to hear his warning and repent while there was still time.  God promises to forgive those who repent and even though this current generation may not have repented; there is a hope for the nation in the future when the will repent and God will restore the nation and give them peace as a fulfillment of His covenant with the nation.

COMING JUDGMENT AND HOPE FOR THE NEXT GENERATION: The Lord knows exactly what is going to happen in the future.  At the time that Micah writes, Babylon is under the reign of Assyria.  The Assyrians would invade Israel in the very near future and take the nation into captivity.  However, the Assyrians would eventually fall and the Babylonian’s would become the dominate empire.  Micah warns the coming generation of Judah that they must not allow the influence of the many refugees from Israel who come into Judah to lead them into idolatry.  The consequences for this would be the Babylonian captivity.  Even though this seemed highly unlikely at the time of the writing, we know that it came to pass.  The leadership of Judah would become corrupt with only a few exceptions and just as Micah promised; Judah fell.  However He also promised of a future Leader in who would come from Bethlehem that would eventually lead the people in righteousness.  We know this to be a promise of Jesus Christ coming to set us free from sin and then eventually coming to reign over the nation of Israel.  This is a hope that has been promised and that God will one day bring to pass.

CULMINATING JUDGMENT AND HOPE FOR THE FINAL GENERATION: The distant future for the nation of Israel will also be marked by judgment and lamentation on the part of the nation.  Things will be much worse for the nation.  They have been scattered in all the nations and will continue to be under this oppression for many years.  Eventually, the nation will be gathered together once again but even still they will face judgment and hardship.  However, this time the judgment will be used to bring them to repentance and they will believe on Christ.  This will bring in a time where Christ will reign over the nation and they will experience a spiritual revival.  They will walk in the light of God’s Word; they will follow the Savior and finally experience the joy of allowing Christ to reign in their hearts.  This will be a truly glorious time.  Peace and prosperity will mark the nation and they will worship the Lord in spirit and in truth.  This is the hope of Israel and the promise that God has given this nation.  It may take many generations or it may be just around the corner; but God will keep His promises.


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