Introduction to Zechariah

The writings of Zechariah coincide almost perfectly with those of Haggai.  His original message is dated exactly two months after that of Haggai.  The second half of the book was written in a different style and at a later date.  This multiple messenger approach of prophecy seems to have been a common method that God used repeatedly.  In order to establish a truth in court multiple witnesses are required.  It seems that God is demonstrating His commitment to affirm the message of the prophets through the combination of these multiple witnesses.  It must have been an encouragement to the individual prophets to have another man sent from God that was confirming their message.  Like Haggai, Zechariah writes to the returned exiles in Jerusalem.  They had grown complacent in their mission to rebuild the temple; but more distressing than that, they had become spiritually indifferent.  Haggai’s message is focused on demonstrating trust in God by rebuilding the temple and he point to negative consequence of disobedience.  Zechariah’s message focuses on placing their hope in God through a spiritual revival that points to the future blessing of obedience.

THE SPIRITUAL RESTORATION TO MESSIAH: The first section of this book is divided into eight visions that Zechariah is given.  All of them in one way or another focus on calling the nation of Israel to repentance to that they can experience a spiritual restoration of their relationship with God.  His readers had just recently returned from an exile in Babylon due to the sinfulness of the past.  The purpose of this judgment was to bring about repentance that would lead to a spiritual revival in the nation.  Unfortunately, the returned exiles demonstrate the same lack of interest in spiritual fidelity as their forefathers had.  Zechariah seeks to motivate them to look at the promises of God for the future and recognize that they have an important job to do and role to play in the workings of God in the world.  They may have felt like an insignificant powerless nation that was totally dependent upon the Persian Empire.  Zechariah wants to show them that they continue to be the chosen people of God through whom He has determined to both judge and bless all of the nations of the world.  However, this glorious future would not come about by depending upon their own strength; they must turn to God and place their hope upon them.  Their success at becoming a significant nation is tied to their becoming a spiritual nation.  If we hope to be able to have an impact on the world that surrounds us; we must recognize that this will only be possible as we walk faithfully with God and in dependence upon Him.

THE FUTURE REVELATION OF MESSIAH: The “success” of the nation of Israel is completely connected to the work of Messiah in the world.  The means through which all the nations of the world would be judged and blessed through the nation of Israel is through the coming of Messiah.  As is very common in Old Testament prophecy; the first and second comings of Messiah are not distinguished from one another.  The mystery of the church was not clearly reveled to them as they were focused on ministering to the nation of Israel.  However, the impact of Israel’s restoration and spiritual revival is promoted as a means of impacting all of the nations of the world.  There is a two-fold promise to this future hope.  One is a promise of blessing while the other is a promise of judgment.  Messiah would come through the nation of Israel for the purpose of blessing all the nations of the world through faith in Christ.  This was the blessing promised to Abraham many generations past.  This was also accomplished in the incarnation of Christ in His first coming.  However, many of the people in the nations of the world have rejected the message of salvation from sin through faith in Christ so God will also use the nation of Israel as a means to judge these evil and faithless men.  The nations will come to attack Israel but God will supernaturally defend her and at His second return will establish Israel as His headquarters for ruling and reigning of the earth during the millennial kingdom.  One day there will be peace and prosperity in Israel and she will be free from the domination of outside nations.  To the contrary, Messiah will dominate all the nations from His position of King over Israel.  Zechariah points to these glorious hopes for the nation in order to motivate them to get back to the task at hand.  When we lose our focus of the glorious hopes of Scripture it is easy for us to become spiritual complacent and be distracted from our mission.  Zechariah’s message was a vital part of motivating the nation of Israel through hope and should be a great motivation to us as well. 


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