Introduction to Zephaniah

God’s judgment has been the constant message of the prophets to whatever generation they ministered.  Zephaniah ministered during the days of Josiah in the nation of Judah.  He identifies himself as a descendant of King Hezekiah, which would make him a cousin of King Josiah.  Perhaps this family tie allowed him to have greater access to the king.  It seems that Zephaniah writes prior to Josiah’s massive reforms in Judah because his message includes a warning against the idolatry of the nation.  It seems possible that Zephaniah’s influence may have contributed to the spiritual revival in Judah during Josiah’s reign.  Unfortunately, these reforms were all undone by the kings who followed him.  It seems that Zephaniah’s message of judgment is, like many Old Testament prophecies, one of dual fulfillment.  The generations immediately following his ministry experienced many of the judgments that were prophesied.  However, there also seems to be sense in which his prophesies were referring to a time of judgment further away during the coming tribulation.  This message of judgment also carries with it a message of hope for restoration.  God always provides a means of escape and a source of hope in the face of His coming judgment.

A MESSAGE OF CONDEMNATION: Zephaniah warns the people of his day about the wrath of God that is about to come down on them because of their immorality and idolatry.  God is holy and just and must stand in condemnation of the sinfulness of men.  This has always been true and always will be true.  The Lord will not just ignore sinfulness.  This time of judgment is often referred to in Scripture as the Day of the Lord.  This “Day” means a time in which the Lord will interrupt the seemingly “normal” affairs of men and bring about judgment.  History is full of these “Days.”  The flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, Plagues in Egypt and Israel’s captivity all qualify as examples of “Days of the Lord.”  This expression can also refer to a coming Day of Judgment for which we are still waiting today.  God has revealed that in the future He will once again interrupt the flow of history with a supernatural intervention of judgments.  Zephaniah reveals that God’s judgment will come over the entire world and then he goes back and reiterates this truth by proclaiming God’s judgment on Judah, the surrounding nations, the city of Jerusalem in particular and then once again on all nations.    Satan would have us and all nations become comfortable in the status quo; simply thinking that things always will be basically the way they are now.  God has repeatedly declared through multiple sources that “His Day” is on the way.  He will interrupt the flow of history once again and judge the entire earth in a very complete manner.  We must prepare for that day.

A MESSAGE OF RESTORATION:  This time of judgment will be followed by His coming and a time of glorious restoration.  God does not take delight in judgment, but He does make use of His judgment to prepare His children for the His path of blessing.  God loves to bless His people and loves to bring as many people and nations under the shade of His blessing.  He has a plan in place that will bring the nation of Israel to repentance through judgment so they might be restored to Himself.  He then plans to use the restoration of Israel as a type of spring board through whom He will restore all the nations of the world.  God’s desire is to save all men everywhere.  He longs to bring people under the scope of His eternal blessing.  Sin has forced Him to judge and be separated from the people He so deeply loves.  The story of redemption through Christ is the story of how God has planned to be reconciled with man through the spiritual revival and restoration of His people and all nations.  God’s amazing grace is on display all around us.  His willingness to judge has been clearly seen throughout history and it will be one display to an even greater extent in the future.  However those days of condemnation will be followed by a glorious time of restoration through reconciliation by faith in Christ.


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