John 2:1-11

Validation is something that we all enjoy receiving.  When someone appreciates our work or expresses confidence in our abilities; this type of validation is reassuring and encouraging to us.  In reality, most of us seek for validation all too often and become upset when we don’t get as much of it was we think we should.  When Jesus turned the water into wine as His first miracle He was given much validation but He did not do the miracle for that purpose.  There were likely two motives behind this miracle.  The first may have been as simple as having compassion on the family that was hosting the wedding with so many thirsty guests.  Running out of wine would have been a huge embarrassment to them and Jesus spared them for that.  The more important motive behind this miracle was to promote and solidify the faith of His disciples in His identity as the Son of God.  Jesus knew all about the people’s expectations concerning Messiah and He knew that He was not going to fulfill those expectations during His earthly ministry.  He also knew how fragile the faith of His disciples was.  This and many other miracles would help to validate their faith in Him.  The key to pleasing God is believing in Jesus; His identity and His work.  This event would help them stand firm in their faith when their expectations concerning Messiah were not fulfilled.  There are many ways to look at this passage but I would like to consider it from the perspective of the different people who were at the scene and how they responded to what Jesus did.

MARY GAVE HER OPINION TO JESUS BECAUSE SHE BELIEVED: Mary, Jesus and His disciples to this point are at a wedding.  We don’t know who’s wedding it was or what their relationship was to Mary and Joseph, but it seems as if Mary has an important role and authority to instruct servants.  Perhaps this was the wedding of one of her other children or another family member.  Jewish weddings were typically a several day event so we don’t know how far into the celebration Jesus and His disciples arrived.  The reference to it being the third day could mean that the wedding had been going for three days or that it was three days since Jesus arrived in Galilee.  Whatever the timing, the organizers of the wedding had not planned the quantity of wine correctly and had run out.  Mary is aware of the situation as I am sure Jesus was too.  Mary comes to Jesus, not so much to inform Him of the lack of wine but to give her opinion as to what Jesus should do about it.  Her statement implies that she believes that He has the power to do whatever He wants and that she thinks it would be appropriate for Him to do a miracle.  When Jesus calls her “woman” it is not a sign of disrespect but a more formal greeting similar to how we would use “my lady.”  Jesus makes it clear that He is not going to do a public miracle in order to draw the attention of the crowd to Himself.  Perhaps Mary had something like this in mind out of a desire to see Jesus assume His rightful place.  Only a very few people, His disciples and the servants, even knew what He had done.  Mary steps out of the situation and simply instructs the servants to do whatever Jesus says.  That is good advice to all of us.  We will do well if we do whatever Jesus tells us to do.  Mary knows the identity and ability of Jesus.  She came to Him because she believed.

SERVANTS WERE OBEDIENT TO JESUS BECAUSE THEY BELIEVED: The servants were obedient to do as Mary told them because that is what servants do.  Following instructions is what servants are supposed to do.  However when Jesus instructed them to fill the pots with water and then take it to the master of ceremonies; it took a step of faith to obey.  We have no way of knowing when the water turned into wine.  It could have been as soon as the water entered the pots or not until it crossed the lips of the one in charge of the wedding feast.  Whenever it happened, the act of taking “water” to the master of ceremonies at this wedding would have been a very dangerous proposition for these servants.  None the less, they did just as Mary had instructed and obeyed Jesus.  As we live lives of obedience to the Lord, it is very likely that He will call us to do things that we don’t understand or that could be risky for us.  Ease and safety are not usually the paths on which Jesus calls us to travel.  No matter what He asks of us; we need to trust Him and obey what He tells us to do even if it doesn’t make any sense to us.  In the end, the servants had the privilege of offering the very best wine.  Rewards from God involve risk to us.

DISCIPLES WERE OBSERVANT OF JESUS AND BELIEVED: The disciples were observing this entire process and were amazed by what they saw.  Jesus did not make a public spectacle of this miracle but He did want His disciples to see it.  He was not ready for the multitudes to come after Him but He was ready to assure His disciples that He was who John the Baptist had proclaimed Him to be.  John the author of this book has made special mention of the belief of the disciples in the previous chapter and he will make many other references to belief in future chapters.  He is not saying that they had not believed in the past; nor is he saying that they would no longer face bouts of unbelief.  He is simply saying that the faith of the disciples increased as a result of observing this miracle.  Jesus demonstrated His power over the elements and the fact that He had super-natural abilities.  It was important for the disciples to know that they were not following just another man.  They were following the all-powerful Son of God.  As we follow Jesus we will face very difficult circumstances and there will be times where we cannot see a way out.  When this happens it is important for us to remember that we too serve an omnipotent God who is able to do much more than we can ask or even think.  It is impossible to please God without trusting Him.  It is a delight to follow Jesus when we rest in His power and grace.

APPLICATION: No matter how long we know Jesus we must continue to place our trust in Him and take our difficulties to Him.  We must always understand that He will act according to His will and that might not always align with our will.  No matter the circumstance, we are to follow the Lord’s instructions.  Strive to trust the Lord more every day.  Recognize and be grateful for His “everyday” miracles in our lives; it will make our lives much less stressful and much more pleasing to Him.


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