Matthew 2:13-15

Joseph’s role in the infancy of Jesus is a significant one.  He was seen and treated by God as His earthly father and the leader of their home.  Joseph serves as provider and protector for the family and God works through him to accomplish His will in the life of Jesus.  It is likely that the Magi had informed Joseph of the vision that God had given them warning them of Herod’s intentions.  We don’t know how much time passes between the Magi’s leaving and Joseph’s dream but it is interesting that Joseph waited to receive instruction instead of acting on the information that the Magi had provided.  God’s sovereignty continues to be on display as He makes sure that His plan of redemption through Jesus is not derailed by Herod.  What should amaze us as we look at this account is the clear demonstration that none of this was a surprise to God since it was foretold in Scripture.

JOSEPH IS WARNED OF HEROD’S PLOT: Herod has not made any sort of public decree at this point in time but for the second time God warns His children of that which Herod will do.  God is protecting His Son and using Joseph as His means of communication.  Perhaps after the Magi’s initial warning Joseph had been praying about what course of action to take, but God makes it very clear to Joseph that they are to get out of Bethlehem and go to Egypt.  He tells them to stay there until He gives them further instruction and also clearly states Herod’s intention of destroying Jesus.  God rarely gives us such clear instructions and abundant information but it is very comforting to know that He has all that information at His disposal.  God is never surprised by the plots and actions of sinful men.  At this time as in every time, believers are being persecuted around the world.  We can be assured that God is aware of every one of these circumstances and is working through them to accomplish His mission.  We pray for God’s protection and rescue but that is not always the path that God has chosen.  God already knows about every situation we are facing and will face in the future.  We can rest assured in His sovereign care.

JOSEPH IS OBEDIENT TO GOD’S PLAN: Joseph has been given two direct commands by God.  They were: “get up” and “get out.”  It was clear that there was no time to waste.  He was to get out of bed at that very moment and go.  God could have let Joseph know with sufficient lead time that would have allowed them to prepare for the journey but He chose to let Joseph know His plan at the last moment.  Perhaps Joseph had started the preparation for a potential journey when the Magi left but whatever the situation we see that Joseph practiced immediate obedience.  He did not even wait for the morning to arrive.  While it was still dark he woke Mary and Jesus and they started on their way to Egypt.  This was a trip of about 350 miles which would mean about two to three weeks of walking in very hot temperatures.  We must not think for a minute that this was an easy decision to make or instruction to follow.  Too often we become addicted to convenience and come to expect for our lives to be convenient.  This is not how God wants us to live.  We must be acutely aware of the fact that God’s will for our lives will very likely require great inconvenience.  The commission of the church to make disciples in all nations implies inconvenience.  There will be many times in our walk with God when our plans will need to change on the spot and we will be expected to “get up” and “get out.”

JOSEPH IS FULFILLING SCRIPTURE’S PROPHECY: God was not only aware of Herod’s plan but had even revealed it through the prophets.  Just as Israel was called out of Egypt, God said that Messiah would be called out of Egypt.  The flight to Egypt had been planned by God long ago.  God’s will is accomplished on this world.  That which God says will happen is sure to take place.  This truth has a tendency to bother us but, in reality, it should be one of the greatest comforts to every believer.  Every promise that God has made will come true.  He has made many glorious promises about our eternity in His presence.  There can be no doubt in our minds about this grace that God has promised to bring to fruition.  However, He has also warned us that we will face tribulation in this world.  These things should not take us by surprise if we know and study the Scripture.  We have been warned that there will be unexpected and difficult twists and turns along the road of our lives.  There is no reason for us to become distressed by these things.  Rather, they should stand as reminders of the glorious promises of Scripture about our eternity and fill our lives with hope.

APPLICATION: Rest in God’s control over the circumstances of our lives.  Obey God immediately when we know what He wants us to do; delayed obedience is disobedience.  Expect and accept inconvenience in our lives of obedience before God.  Hope and trust in the promises of God especially in times of suffering and persecution. 


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