Matthew 2:19-23 Luke 2:39
Moving is not an easy thing to do. In today’s culture we have companies that
help make this process much easier.
Joseph and Mary did not have access to U-Haul. They had to make an emergency move to Egypt
in order to protect the life of Jesus from Herod. Several years have passed and now they are
told to move again. It would be another
long hot walk for the family. Jesus is
no longer an infant so he now must walk with His parents as well. It was not possible for them to stay in
Egypt. Joseph probably had a good job
there and they most likely felt safe and secure in this situation that had
become comfortable for them. However, if
Scripture was going to be fulfilled and God’s mission for Jesus on earth was to
be accomplished it was vital that they return to Israel. Security and comfort are not the priorities
for our lives. The mission of God to
reconcile man to Himself is the priority and must be the focus of our lives.
God told Joseph to go to Egypt the instruction was to stay until God told him
it was safe to return. The death of
Herod made it possible for this instruction to be given. Herod and his soldiers had sought to kill
Jesus but now they are all dead. Man’s
life on earth is truly like a vapor. No
matter how much power or riches we gain in our lives; the reality is that in a
very short time our lives on earth will come to an end and we will stand before
God as our judge. I would have hated to
be Herod on the day he stood before the real King. Once again an angel comes to Joseph in a
dream and tells him it is now time to “get up” and “get back” to Israel. Joseph, Mary and Jesus set off on the long
journey back to Israel. Jesus was the
rightful King of Israel and His earthly ministry was to be in Israel. No matter how difficult or dangerous it was
to return; it was absolutely necessary.
We know almost nothing about what Jesus was like growing up in Egypt and
we have very little information about his childhood in Israel. There are speculations of Him performing
miracles as He was playing but these are not recorded in Scripture. All that we do know of Him was that He was
maturing and growing physically and gaining the favor of the men around
Him. But, without a doubt, the most significant
information we have about Him as a child is that He never sinned.
they were entering the land of Israel, Joseph learned that Archelaus, the son
of Herod, was reigning over Judea. This
news brought fear into Joseph and certainly Mary would have been afraid as
well. They probably questioned whether
they had understood God’s instruction back in Egypt correctly. They may have even questioned why God would
bring them back to a situation that still seemed unstable. There will be many times as we follow the
Lord’s plan for our lives that we will face the unexpected. There is a misconception that we have about
following the Lord that makes us think that it is synonymous with ease. God has promised to provide all we need to
accomplish His will but there are many times that what we need is
suffering. He does not promise to keep
us from suffering but to help us in times of suffering. We have an eternal promise of a life free
from pain, suffering, tears and sin; but those promises are not for this life
on earth. God confirms that Joseph’s
fears are valid but tells Him to remain in Israel and return to their home town
of Nazareth. Matthew states that this
was done to fulfill the prophecy that Jesus would be called a Nazarene. We don’t know of any Old Testament prophecy
that says Jesus would live in Nazareth.
The most likely interpretation of this is that the word “Nazarene” was
also used as an expression of contempt.
There are many Old Testament prophecies that said He would be despised
and rejected. Joseph and Mary have come
full circle in their journey since traveling from Nazareth to Bethlehem for the
birth of Jesus and then fleeing to Egypt from Herod and now, several years
later they return “home” with Jesus and maybe even another child by this
time. As we follow the Lord we should
come to expect the unexpected and learn to embrace the twists and turns of
APPLICATION: Trust in the truth that the rulers of this
world are all in the hands of God, He is truly in control of the rise and fall
of leaders. Don’t expect that a life
dedicated to mission of God on this earth will be an easy or comfortable
life. Know that when God calls us into
fearful situations He knows all about it and is able to give us the strength or
the relief we need to be able to stand firm.
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