Matthew 10:40-42

40 “He who receives you receives Me, and he who receives Me receives Him who sent Me. 41 “He who receives a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet’s reward; and he who receives a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man’s reward. 42 “And whoever in the name of a disciple gives to one of these little ones even a cup of cold water to drink, truly I say to you, he shall not lose his reward.”

Eternal rewards are constantly used by Jesus as a means of motivating His disciples to obey and serve Him.  As Jesus sent out His young missionaries, He instructed them and warned them about the costs of discipleship.  He closes out this time of instruction by motivating them about the benefits of discipleship.  Jesus warned them about the rejection that would occur as a result of representing Him; then He concludes by talking about the reception they would experience as a result of serving Him.  Those who go out in the name of the Lord are often rejected by their own family members.  However, they are often received by complete strangers.  Missionaries have precious relationships with people all over the world.  They have partners that send them out with their prayers and gifts who also participate in all the eternal rewards associated with advancing the Gospel.  Whenever we come across ministers of the Gospel we have opportunities to participate in their eternal rewards.  Jesus talks about three ways that we can experience eternal rewards for participating in the mission.

THE REWARDS OF HEARING: Every time we hear God’s Word, we have an opportunity to either receive it or reject it.  Those who receive it hear God’s Word attentively and respond accordingly.  Jesus assured His disciples that those who heard their message and received it were not only hearing and receiving Him but also the Father.  Those who teach God’s Word are the representative of God the Son and God the Father on this earth.  We have the opportunity to hear or ignore them.  Whatever we do with them, we are doing to God.  When we go out to our neighbors and to the nations of the world, we do so as representatives of God.  We go under His authority and we go with the truth that He has inspired.  When we communicate the Word of God we are the voice of God on the earth.  We need not be timid and we must not be ashamed.  Those who reject the Gospel we preach reject God.  Those who hear and receive the message of the Gospel are receiving God.  This truth must impact the way we listen to God’s Word and the way we teach God’s Word.

THE REWARDS OF HOSTING: When the disciples went out, they were instructed not to take anything with them; not even money.  They were to go out in faith and depend on the people where they preached to care for their needs.  As they came to a city, they would look for a home that would receive them.  That home would provide lodging and meals for the disciples as they went about preaching in the city.  These host families were supporting the work of the ministry and in so doing, they were qualified to receive the same eternal rewards that the disciples themselves would receive.  There are those whose homes are open to people for the purpose of ministry.  This gift of hospitality is a great blessing to all who benefit from it but it is also an eternal blessing to all who practice it.  We need to open our homes to be places of refreshment to our brothers and sisters in Christ.  Our ministry to them means that we minister with them wherever they go from that point forward.  If we truly understood the eternal ramifications of this truth people would fight over who would have the honor of hosting God’s servants.  As a missionary, I have been truly blessed and refreshed by the hospitality of God’s people all over the world.  They have been a blessing to my family and I believe they will be blessed for all of eternity for their love and care.

THE REWARDS OF HELPING: Jesus taught that those who do so much as give a cup of water to His disciples in order to further the Gospel will have a secure reward.  Those who take the Gospel to the nations that have never heard of Jesus are sent be the generosity of God’s people.  Churches and families give of their resources to meet the needs of those who give their lives in this service.  It takes a lot of cups of water and pounds of rice to feed the missionaries of the world.  It is a great honor and a very wise investment with eternal ramifications.  If the motive behind our giving is to further the Gospel of the Lord Jesus; we will receive eternal reward.  It is a blessing to be able to participate in the ministries of others through giving.  There are many people who share in the ministry that God has given us through their generous support.  Many cups of water and plates of food have been set before us by the body of Christ.  Only eternity will reveal the rewards these faithful men and women will enjoy for their investments.  Our gifts and prayers can carry our ministerial impact to places of this planet that we will never see.

APPLICATION: Hear the Word of God with great attention.  Teach the Word of God with great authority.  Open our homes and hearts to be places of refreshment for the body of Christ and places of ministerial impact.  Give generously of all we have as a means of investing in that which is eternal.  Be grateful and conscientious of those who invest in our lives and ministries through their gifts.


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