Matthew 14:6-12 Mark 6:21-29

God’s ways are often hard for us to understand.  In our minds, an all-powerful and loving God should always prevent injustice.  It is difficult for us to understand how God could allow His faithful servant, John the Baptist, to be killed at the whim of pretty girl and a vindictive woman.  Even though we may not understand, it is important that we realize that God will allow very bad things to happen to very good people.  We might not like this truth or be able to explain this truth but we had better get used to this truth.  It is repeatedly taught throughout Scripture and has been repeatedly experienced throughout history.  God is always on mission.  His mission is to bring glory to Himself by having disciples that worship Him in every nation.  There are times when the suffering of faithful people contributes to the accomplishment of that mission.  God does not need to explain Himself to us.  We must simply learn to trust Him and recognize that He has information that is not available to us.  John’s death demonstrates the sinfulness of man as well as the suffering sin brings to God’s people.  John’s sinful head on a platter should not surprise us as much as the sinless Son of God’s body on a cross.  We can be assured of the truth that John’s death in this way brought glory to God, contributes to the mission to this day and is a source of eternal rejoicing and reward for John the Baptist.

HEROD’S PLEASURE: Herod decided to have a birthday party and as a part of the celebrations he had his niece/step-daughter come out and dance for him and his guests.  This dance was very pleasing to him and his guests who were military generals and other officials.  We don’t know what kind of dance this was, but we can presume that it was sensual in nature.  It is very doubtful that they were admiring her gracefulness as she performed a waltz or ballet.  It may be a stretch to say that it was a striptease; but it was likely sensual in nature.  The exploitation of a woman’s body is not something that is new to our culture.  This is very displeasing to God and very dangerous for men.  Birthdays, holidays and vacations are especially dangerous days.  These are days that we tend to let down our guard and become vulnerable to the sinful pleasures that are so attractive our hearts.  Any time we start to think that we “deserve” some sort of pleasure we are at risk.  We are to separate days of rest where we dedicate ourselves to refreshment, reflection and communion with and rejoicing in the Lord; but never days where we relax our standards of holiness.  Pornography is a blight on our society that is placing the hearts of men and our very society in great danger.  We must be vigilant to not become slaves of our pleasures.   

HEROD’S PROMISE: One of the problems with giving into our pleasures is that it causes us to make promises that end up enslaving us.  When we give ourselves over to the pleasures of our hearts and do the things that we want to do we will often find ourselves making and having to keep promises to do the things that we don’t want to do.  Herod makes a foolish promise to give this young lady whatever she wants up to half of his kingdom.  Men may exploit the bodies of women for their own pleasure; but women understand how to expose their bodies in order to gain power.  Herod makes a promise like this because of his pride and desire to impress not only the young lady, but the other leaders and officials that were there.  Herodias recognizes her daughters “gifts” and also understands her husband’s weaknesses so she takes advantage of the situation to get what she wants.  We need to be very careful with the promises we make.  We should never make a promise in order to satisfy sinful pleasures.  Herod was willing to give up half of his kingdom in hopes of having the pleasure of watching a dancing girl again.  What are the compromising promises we are being tempted to make so we can pursue our own pleasures?

HEROD’S PLATTER:  Herod respected and feared John the Baptist.  He didn’t like his message but he recognized that he spoke with authority and he didn’t want to hurt John or stir up riots in the people by hurting John.  He put John in prison in order to satisfy his illegitimate wife but she was not satisfied with that.  Herod’s promise to her daughter gave her the opportunity she was looking for and she took advantage of it.  She asked for John the Baptist’s head on a platter.  She clearly had a deep hatred of him which is to be expected.  Sinful people will hate godly preachers.  When Herod receives this request, He has no desire to do it but feels obligated to honor his promise because of all of the officials who had seen him make it.  He made the promise because of His pleasure and pride so now he had to keep it because of his pride even though it brought him no pleasure.  His assassination of John the Baptists haunted him for the rest of his life.  He thought that Jesus was John’s ghost coming back to haunt him.  It may have been John’s head on that platter, but it may as well have been Herod’s.  When we give ourselves over to pleasure that leads us to make foolish promises we are placing our own heads on a platter. 

APPLICATION: Be careful not to rationalize that we deserve pleasure after great victories or busy periods of life.  Take days off to rest regularly and celebrate special occasions by rejoicing in the Lord and reflecting on His glory.  Don’t allow pride and lust for pleasure to dictate the promises we make.  Count the cost of living for pleasure.  Prepare to suffer for doing what is right but rejoice in the rewards that are associated with suffering for righteousness sake.


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