Matthew 13.1-9 18-23 Mark 4.1-9 13-20 Luke 8.4-8 11-15

Responses to the teaching of God’s Word are varied from person to person.  The parable of the sower describes six different types of soils on which the seed of God’s Word falls.  The main thing that all of them have in common is that they all hear the Word of God.  Three of the soils in the parable are unproductive.  The other three soils are productive at different levels.  This teaching about typical responses to God’s Word is important for everyone who proclaims the Word of God to remember and for everyone who hears the Word of God to evaluate.  Each of the three unproductive soils have a different enemy that hinders reproduction.  These principles are vital for every teacher and hearer of God’s Word to understand.

HEARING WITH DISTRACTION: The wayside is soil that has been compacted by equipment or people repeatedly stepping on it.  The enemy of this soil are the birds that come and eat the seed before it even has a chance to germinate.  The birds represent Satan who comes and snatches away the understanding of God’s Word from the person who hears it.  One of the most common tools Satan uses to prevent us from understanding God’s Word is distraction.  These distractions come in many forms.  Many people allow their minds to wander as they read or hear the Word of God.  They have the opportunity to be exposed to God’s Word but because they lack concentration the truth just goes in one ear and out the other.  Phones ringing, dogs barking, people whispering, being too hot, being too cold, a long list of things to do, being hungry, thirsty or sleepy, boredom, bugs, bats, butterflies, frogs and countless other things can be used to keep us from understanding God’s Word.  Concentration is vital to the transformation God wants to bring about in our lives through the teaching of His Word.

FEARING OF DESTRUCTION: The stony soil is shallow soil that does not allow the roots of the plant to grow down and get the moisture it needs to survive.  The enemy of this soil is the sun the comes out and burns up the young plant just as it starts to grow.  The sun represents persecution and hardship that is associated with applying and obeying God’s Word in our lives.  This person hears God’s Word and has an emotional response to what they hear.  They come away from their time in God’s Word saying: “wow that was really a great message or powerful passage of Scripture.”  They may even raise their hand, go forward or make a commitment to change an area of their life.  However, once they start to make some changes they face criticism from others or maybe they simply lack the discipline to follow through on their decision.  Fear about what others might be thinking of them or persecution from friends, family members or unbelievers can all be ways that people become discouraged from following through on their commitments.  Satan wants to destroy the image of God on the face of the earth so he is actively looking to intimidate or even kill those who try to obey Scripture.  Courage and discipline are key factors in the productivity of God’s Word in our hearts. 

FEELING OF DESPERATION: The thorny soil is relatively good soil that has been contaminated by seeds that compete with the seed that is being planted.  The enemy of this soil are the thorns that grow along with the plant but grow faster than the plant and end up making it unproductive.  These thorns represent the cares of this world and the love of money that is so prevalent in the hearts of men.  In essence, this a problem within as opposed to the external pressures of the thorny soil.  These people hear God’s Word and begin to apply it to their lives but then there are some desperate “needs” that just seem to come up that make the person feel like it is impossible to follow through.  The persons knows what needs to be done but simply does not have the will to follow through with what needs to be done.  There is a price that is associated with obedience.  Following God’s Word may mean the loss of a job or some other form of financial loss.  God’s Word demands that we be willing to make those sacrifices in order to be pleasing to God.  Commitment is vital to producing fruit for the glory of God.

PRODUCING WITH DETERMINATION: The final soil is simply called good soil in that it produces fruit.  There are three different levels of productivity in the good soil.  We are not told why some of the soil was more productive than others but it stands to reason that there may have been some rocks and a few thorns in some of the less productive soil.  We saw that the first soil was not productive due to a lack of comprehension of God’s Word, possibly due to a lack of concentration when hearing the Word.  The second soil was unproductive due to the lack of courage while applying God’s Word.  The third soil was unproductive because of a lack of commitment while living the Word.  It would be logical to conclude that our productivity as believers will be proportionate to our concentration, courage and commitment while hearing, applying and living God’s Word.  Not all believers have the same level of productivity.  We also may have different levels of productivity during different phases of our lives.  We must strive to be as productive as possible as we seek to order our lives according to Scripture.

APPLICATION: Every time we open God’s Word, hear a message, attend a Bible Study or receive Biblical counsel we are one of these six types of soil.  Pray that God will help us concentrate, give us courage and strengthen our commitment to Him through the power of His Spirit so we might be as productive as possible while living out the truths of the Bible.  When we teach God’s Word we should do all we can to help prepare those who will hear but not be discouraged when the results are not completely what we expect them to be.


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