Ephesians 1:1-2

                                                                 Ephesians 1:1-2

Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God. To the saints who are in Ephesus, and are faithful in Christ Jesus: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Greetings are an important part of any letter as they let us know important information about the author, recipients, and the content of the book.  We know that this letter was written by Paul to the believers of the church in Ephesus.  Paul has spent over two years in this city and saw God move in astounding ways.  The city was a hub for commerce in Asia Minor so many people traveled to and from this port city and as a result of Paul’s time in this place the Gospel spread throughout the entire region (Acts 19:10).  This letter is a vital message to a strategic and influential church.


PAUL WAS SENT: Paul was chosen by God to be sent as an apostle to the Gentiles.  God’s will in the life of a believer is an important truth that should motivate, comfort, and challenge us.  It is motivating because we understand that the Creator of the universe has an interest in our lives, and we are privileged to serve Him.  It comforts us because God’s will informs us that He is in control in even the darkest of circumstances.  It is a challenge because the Lord has a mission on this earth and calls us to be active in that mission.  Paul’s conviction about his calling helped him stand firm in the face of opposition and persevere in times of suffering.    


THEY WERE SAVED: This letter is addressed to the saints in Ephesus.  The members of the church are believers in Jesus Christ and as such have been separated from the world unto God.  They are holy in their standing before God and they are therefore called saints.  Believers may not always feel holy and they may not always act holy but because of our standing in Christ, we are holy before the Lord and will be perfectly holy for eternity.  However, Paul also refers to his readers as faithful.  In essence, faithfulness means living in a way that is consistent with our standing in Christ.  Those who are faithful will not rest in their position of holiness but will pursue holiness in their actions, attitudes, and motivations.


GOD HAS SERVED: Those who God calls to salvation and who follow Him in a life of faithfulness will experience the grace and peace of God.  He serves His children with these wonderful gifts.  Nothing we experience as believers is because of our own merit; it is all by grace.  It is such a blessing that God deals with us according to His grace and not by what we deserve.  Because of God’s grace we can truly live a life of peace.  We have peace with God because of Christ, and we can experience the peace of God in every circumstance of life.  The knowledge that He is working in all things for His glory and our eternal good should fill our hearts with peace.  We should experience peace in our relationships and in all circumstances because these are the gifts of God to us as believers and followers of Christ.


APPLICATION: Understand that we are who we are by the will of God.  He has called us to a life of holiness and faithfulness.  As a result we should rejoice in the grace of God and experience the peace of God in every situation life may bring our way.


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