Galatians 6:6-10

                                                                 Galatians 6:6-10

Let the one who is taught the word share all good things with the one who teaches.  Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.  For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.  And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.  So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.


There are some basic principles that believers should always be intentional about following.  Too often, when people, groups or churches get off track, it is because they fail to do the very basic things outlined in Scripture.  Paul points to three basic truths all believers would do well to follow.  These disciplines will help us hold firm in the face of false teachings.


GIVE GOOD THINGS: It is an honor to teach the Word of God.  It is a privilege to have access to the teaching of the Word of God.  When the Lord provides godly and gifted teachers of His Word, He is blessing the entire congregation.  Those who sit under these teachers are being given a very good thing: an understanding of the Word of God.  As a result, they should gladly share the good material things with which they too have been blessed.  Those who follow the instruction of God’s Word will be greatly blessed.  Often those blessings of honesty, integrity, faithfulness, reliability, humility, commitment to excellence, joy, discipline, determination, perseverance, wisdom, love, empathy, and many other virtues result in lucrative jobs and increased wealth.  That wealth should be shared with those who faithfully taught the Word of God to these people as it contributed directly to the acquisition of that wealth.


SOW GOOD THINGS: Paul makes a controversial statement: “God is not mocked.”  The reason this is controversial is that God is constantly being mocked by ungodly people.  When the wicked prosper and the obedient suffer; God is often questioned, criticized, and even ridiculed.  Paul is not denying that reality, He is simply warning us not to be deceived by it.  When injustice occurs in this sin cursed world, we must not be deceived into thinking that God doesn’t care or that He is impotent to do anything about it.  The truth is that God is greatly grieved by injustice and that, one day, all injustice will be judged.  Those who follow the lusts of their flesh will be corrupt and will face God’s wrath and judgment for eternity.  Those who follow the Spirit will be rewarded with eternal life.  God may be mocked today, but there will be no mocking in eternity.  Perfect justice will be served.  Those who repent of their sin and trust in Christ alone for salvation crucify the flesh and live by the Spirit’s leading, may suffer in the present, but will be rewarded in eternity.  Those who live in and love their sin, may prosper in the present, but be judged for eternity.


DO GOOD THINGS: No matter what immediate results we might experience, we must continue to do good things.  When we don’t enjoy the fruits of our labors due to the injustice of this world, it is easy to become discouraged and tired.  We must take heart and must never quit doing what is right just because we are not seeing the expected results.  We don’t always immediately prosper when we obey the Scriptures.  Those who teach the Scriptures are not always rewarded materially as they should be.  No matter what, we must persevere in doing good.  As believers we just be prepared to face injustice and suffer for doing what is right.  When that happens, we must not become angry and isolate ourselves from the community of faith.  We must band together and encourage one another to persevere.  Persistent obedience will eventually and eternally be justly rewarded.


APPLICATION: Give generously and joyfully to the churches we attend, so those who teach God’s Word in those places can be supported.  Don’t be surprised when the wicked prosper and the godly suffer.  Know that all injustice will be rectified in eternity.  Don’t ever give up or stop doing the right thing just because we are not experiencing the results we desire or expect.  Trust God and keep living in obedience, it will all be worth it someday.


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